Chapter 20.

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In this chapter jade is showing her soft side rather than her mean usual self. I hope you like it.
—————————————————Jade's POV:

About half an hour later. Jem was walking down the stairs.

"Hey Jem? Do you want to go to the park? I could take you." I ask. 

" yes! Yes please!! Thank you jade!" He yelled excitedly.

Jem smiled for a second or two before running up to Jade. He wrapped his arms around jade's waist, resting his head on her stomach.

Surprisingly jade was not mad at him. She would usually yell at the person giving her a hug, then push them off. But jade didn't yell or push him away. she felt loved, for the first time in ages she felt loved. A small smile spread across my lips and I  hugged him back. 

"Thank you jade! I love you." Jem said as he kissed me on the cheek before pulling away to give me a smile.

" I love you too. Now go get ready. I will be waiting here." I said before taking another sip out of my coffee.

"KK!" He said running upstairs to get changed.

A few seconds after Jem disappeared upstairs, Jayson walks through the door, hanging his coat up on the peg.

"Hey jay." I greeted him.

"Oh hey jade." He said as he walked past me into the kitchen.

I sound around on the chair I was sat on, so I was now facing into the kitchen. Jayson was making himself a cup of coffee.

"I'm taking Jem to the park in a second would you like to come along with us?" I ask, hoping I could talk to him while Jem was playing.

"I think I'm going to miss this one out, I'm sorry. It's just... I've been so tired lately and I was hoping I could catch up on some sleep, like mum." He said pointing to our mother, who has fallen asleep on the couch.

"It's fine I get it. How about we catch up later? What about going for a Coffee?" I ask hoping he would agree.

I don't know why I want to spend time with him. I just want to tell someone all of my feelings. So much has happened recently, and I just want someone there who I can talk to, someone who I can trust, and for them to protect me from anymore harm. Ans I feel that Jayson is the one that I trust more than anyone else, right now.

"Sure I would love a coffee and a catch up." He says with a warm smile. I smile back, before he walks off upstairs, with his cup of coffee in his hand.

"Hey buddy." Jayson says to Jem as he races down the stairs.

"Oh hey Jayson!" He says a little to excited.

I think he's to young to understand what's happened, anyways I'm glad someone in this household is actually happy.

" okay let's go." I said picking up my house keys and my phone from the counter.

We both walked to the front door, putting our shoes and coats on. Once we were all dressed we left the house.

We walked down the street, at a slow pace.

"So how's school going?" I ask trying to start a conversation.

"It's good. How's your school going?" He asks looking up to me.

"It's tough but I'm getting through it." I say honestly.

"Do you find it difficult to learn?" He ask seriously. "Because I could help you learn." He says with a smile. Bless him.

"No it's not the learning. I'm getting in very well with the learning. It's just drama, people and teachers all on my back." I explain.

"Ohh..." He says understanding where I'm coming from. " so what's all the drama about then?" He asks.

"Oh nothing really for you to worry about. It's just me and tori arguing and beck and I splitting up. And my friends abandoning me again." I sigh.

"Oh. Well if I was you I wouldn't worry. You definitely deserve better friends than them." He says opening the fence to the playground. " thanks Jem." I say As i follow him inside and take a seat on the bench.

Jem runs off to the climbing frame. I space out for a while, just staring at the floor before i get interrupted by a familiar face I haven't seen in ages.

"Harry!" I screeched as I jumped into his arms.

"Hey jade! How are you?" He asks After we crash into the floor.

"I'm as good as I can be I guess, how about you?"

"I'm good. Why what's been going on since I left?" He asks worried.

"Ha. Where do I start? Beck and I spilt up, again. All my friends left me for him, tori and I are still at each other's throats. And my grandpa died last night." I say trying my best not to cry.

"Why didn't you call me?" He asks giving me a hug after helping me up off the floor.

" I don't know I though you would leave me, just like the others did." I said felling rather stupid.

"Well that's stupid. Why would I leave you? Your one of my best friends jade!" He said looking into my eyes.

I smiled knowing that I had someone there for me...

The feeling of having someone there for me was amazing. I with I felt it before.

Few! Long chapter? Do you think it's long? Well it is compared to my other updates. AHA. Thanks for 1k reads! I love you all so much!

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