Chapter 2.

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I groan in pain, from my sore throat. Ugh I hate hey-fever especially when you have a sore throats at the same time! But that's not all. I've been puking all night long got a sore throats and period cramps.

It was 3 days since beck asked me to hang out with him and my friends again. I was unsure wether I should or shouldn't, but if I didn't turn up I would seem week. And jade west is not week! So in that case I turned up. At  lunch and brake there was lots of tension and silence in the air, which I knew would happen so that's one reason why I didn't want to hang out with them.  We would all be having a laugh and mess around if beck just opened that damn door! I mean even my dogs could open a door! and yes I'm the one who always looks after them, walks them, feeds them and loves them. Because my mums always at work but when she's home she makes a fuss of them, but my father works from home and gets paid lots, he just ignores buddy and lucky and treat them like shit!

Speaking off buddy and lucky my 2 golden retrievers, I decide to walk them and clear my head from the drama at school, and to get some fresh air, hopefully that would make me feel a bit better.

I walk to Their very own cupboard, and grab hold of the handles and open them revealing, poo bags, food and drink bowls, food, lots of balls and other toys, bones, dog collars, and leashes. And a few photos of them. I smile at the picture I took when they first came home.

 I smile at the picture I took when they first came home

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☝️Buddy & Lucky☝️

They was 8 weeks old then. But that was a year ago. Now their a year and 3 months old.

And then the other side of the door is a photo I took last week.

And then the other side of the door is a photo I took last week

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☝️lucky & Buddy☝️

I attached their leashes to there collars and walk out the door stuffing a few poo bags in my pocket. I walks down the street to be meet with sikowits and his so say girlfriend, great this is my morning ruined!

"Oh jade. Hey how are you?" Sikowits asked as he and his girlfriend stopped in front off me.

"Hey I'm good thanks you?" I ask him not really caring if he's happy or not.

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