Chapter 3.

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Beck's POV:

It's been 3 weeks since me and jade have broken up. I still love her, I just got sick and tired from our drama, that's why I didn't open the door. I hope me and jade get back together some day, we just need a brake from each other. It's been 3 days since jade hung out with us, today's Thursday and jade hasn't been in school since Monday. She says she's ill but I'm not buying it, she's probably just saying that so she doesn't have to hand out with us. Any way it's not my place to say.

We're currently waiting for sikowits lesson to start. Tori's sat next to me and she keeps talking about Trina's pants exploding and landing in somebody's soup. Im not really paying much attention to what she's saying All I'm thinking about is jade.

...Flash back...

"Beck no!" Jade laughed as I pushed her around on the

"Sorry what was that? Faster?" I laughed spinning her faster.

"I'm going to throw up in s minuet!" Jade warned.

slowed the round-about down a bit. I just laughed at jades reaction.

"Why did I agree to this?" Jade yelled. "Get me off!" She  laughed.

"Your gonna give in? That's new!" I said while stopping the round-about.

Jade stood up and walked off the round about. She didn't make it that far before falling over from the dizziness. I laughed and walked to her side, and picked her up bridal style. I sat her down on the nearest bench and sat with her stoking her hair, and pecked her lips.

"Your an idiot." Jade said playfully and punched my chest.

"I just got offended by a little woman!" I joked, and started laughing.

"Okay that's offensive on like every level!" She said and snuggled into my chest.

...end of flash back...

"BECK OLIVER!" Tori yelled at me waving her arms frantically.

"Sorry what?" I say snapping back into reality.

"Did you listen to what I had to say?" She asked me.

I smile sheepishly and shake my head side to side. Oh good her we go again, more boring story's!

Just as Tori was about to speak, sikowits climbed through the window.

"Good morning earthlings." Sikowits said throwing his back on the floor, and grabbing a coconut from his stash of coconuts, in the corner of his room.

Everyone mummers there replays. I have a strong feeling like today is going to be boring.

"Guess who I saw just now?" Sikowits says walking on the stage.

"Who?" Andre says asks sitting upright in his chair.

"Ye who did you see?" Robbie asked.

"Well the person I saw is a girl, and she was walking her dogs..." sikowits began bug got cut of by Rex.

"Just tell us who she is man!" Rex blurted out.

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