Chapter 14.

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Beck's POV

I told jade to meet me at my RV in 30, but that was an hour ago. What's taking her so long?
I texted her a few times but no reply... I wonder what's going on.

I suddenly hear my RV door open and jade walks in with tears pouring down her face. She hobbles over to me and hugs me tight, I hug her back embarrassing her, making her feel safe, as she cries into my chest making my top wet from her tears. She hasn't cried this much for a ages.

"Babe what's wrong? Why you crying?" I ask as I stroke her hair and kissed the top of her head.

"M-my d-dad." She stuttered, taking a shaky breath before carrying on. "H-he abuse me A-again." She said crying harder into my chest.


"This happened before? Babe why didn't you tell me?" I asked pulling her away from the hug, making her look me in the eyes.

She looked down at her shoes, ashamed off what's happened.
I lift her head up by her chin with two fingers. She then looks me in the eye. Hurt, disappointment, fear and worry filled her greens blue orbs.

"Babe?" I ask lowering my fingers from under her chin.

"I...I thought you wouldn't like me anymore if I told you what he did." She says whipping away a few tears that rolls down her pinkish face.

"Why on earth would you think that?" I say. "Of corse I love you, I always did, do, and will no matter what!" I say and kiss her salty lips.

We brake the kiss and I give her a hug. She places her head on my chest, I breath in the strawberry scented hair mist in. God she's so perfect!

"Babe do you want to see buddy and lucky? You haven't seen them for ages, and I know for sure  they will be missing you like mad." I say trying to cheer her up.

"Sure whatever. But can I have a shower first?" She asks me.

"Magic word?" I ask playfully.

"Please." She begs and giving me the puppy dog eyes.

"There you go." I say smiling, and she smiles back.

She walks over to my closet and grabs one of her tops and pants, and underwear, that she keeps at my place for times like these.

I quickly kiss her cheek before she goes onto the bathroom. Once she's on the bathroom she closes the door and locks it.

I second later I hear the shower turn on. I walk over to my bed and turn the Tv on.

I flick through a few channels until I came to the show 'celebrities under water.'
Jade hates that show because none of them drown.
But I don't hate the show, I don't love it either. It's just something I watch to pass the time.

Guys I'm soooo sorry I haven't updates in a while. I was busy with school and packing for my holiday, I've been working on this chapter since the last update. But I just haven't had the time to finish the chapter, Because I was so busy the last week of should I say month😐😂 sorry I'm going to update hopefully tomorow. Thank you for not leaving this book and I hope you like it ♥️♥️♥️♥️

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