Chapter 11.

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Jade's POV:

The nurse and me are walking correction... trying to help me walk again. We're walking around the room, till I get better again.

The nurse holds onto my waist and my arm around her shoulder for support. I'm struggling! Help!

My feet aren't working the way they used to, my body can't catch up to the speed I was used too.

"That's it that's it you've almost got it." My nurse said.

I try to go faster but I stumble and fall flat on my butt.  "Ouch!" I said as I crash onto the flour. Will I be able to walk again?

She helps be back onto my bed and helps me get comfortable.

"Maybe we should, start you on crutches, and we will go from there. Take a brake we'll try again later." She says and walks out.

When I try to walk, it feels like somebody is pulling my legs back and I'm wrapped up in layers of duck tape, which is making me feel stiff and achy. The struggle is real! Ahhhhh! My thighs hurt so bad! And my hips, my back really hurts too.

I sigh and look down at me feet. My feet are freezing, My toe nails are almost blue! I've got a pair of fluffy pink socks from cat, because I've been losing circulation in my feet recently.  I press the caller button, hoping for assistance.

Beck walks in, I smile a bit and he kisses me on my forehead.

"Hey." I say feeling down.

"Hey babe. How are you feeling." He asks, brushing some lose strands of hair out of my face.

"Hmmm." I say with a sigh.

"Babe. Tell me." He said with worry.

"Well. Where do I start?" I start. "They took me of pain killers last night and I didn't get any sleep! My head hurts my arms hurt my back kills! My legs ach. Also my feet are freezing. And the nurse was just in helping me walk again. and I can't even move!" I complain.

"Aww babe." He says and pecks me on the lips.

He grabs cats fluffy socks she let me borrow. And he put the on my feet. He then placed the blanket over them to warm them up.

"Thanks." I say giving him a half hearted smile.

"Any time babe." He says with a smile, and he brushed his hair back. " you hungry?" He asks. Thank god somebody asked me that!

"Yes! Ugh I have ate all day!" I moan. He laughs and hands me a sandwich.

"Omg this is so good! I haven't tasted real food in ages!" I say finishing the sandwich already.

"Somebody's hungry." Beck chuckles.

Beck's POV:

I'm here to collect jade, later though. As she still needs help walking again. I'm in her room watching her eat a sandwich I bought her.

"Babe you know the traffic lights you were at before you got hit?" I ask. And she nods. " have you seen what the place looks like now?" I ask and she nods no.

"Look." I say as I show her a photo is the traffic lights.

There's lodes of flowers in a bunch and teddies, balloons and cars there too. There's a laminated photo printed and hung on the lights. It's a huge memorial thing there for her, although she didn't die.

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