Chapter 18

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Jade's POV:

Ugh Monday's, I hate them.

I had a shower like I do every morning. I then put on my Usual black goth look. Black jeans with rips and the knees, black last top that has zig zag crosses at the back. And put on my black leather jacket. I grabbed my school bag and headed downstairs.

I was immediately greeted with my mother, bawling her eyes out whilst hugging my father for support. In the dining room, I see my little brother sat at the table with a bowl of cereal in front of him, that hasn't been touched, and he also looks so depressed.

"Mom what's wrong?" I ask as I stand at the bottom of the stairs, placing my school bag at the bottom of the stairs.

"Jade honey, take a seat." My mother sobbed.

I was confused, has someone died? Or got hurt? She's not acted like this before.  I follow my moms instructions and sit on the couch opposite them.

"Jade... it's your grandfather. He's...he's... passed away." My mother cried out clinging back onto my father.

My heart immediately fell to my stomach. Grandpa died. but how could he?

Tears immediately fall from my eyes. My mother ran up to me and gave me the warmest hug I've had in ages. I really needed it at the moment.   Suddenly all my memories of me and my grandpa flew into my mind all at once.

Him pushing me on the swing set he got me for my 6th birthday, His retirement party. Me  helping him out with the gardening, Us playing together at the park. Me waking him up every morning when I stayed at theirs for the night and us Playing board games together.
And the smile on his face when he saw my play "well wishes" on the second night.

"B-but h-how could he!" I cried.

"I don't know sweetheart." My mother said wiping away my tears with her thumb.

"Maybe it's better of you stay home from school today and maybe tomorrow? I mean you've just got told some huge news that will affect the rest of your life." My father says in his worrying, calm and gentle voice he only uses for occasions like these.

"O-okay." I said "how's g-grandma taking it?" I asked with worry.

"She's shaken up, but she's gonna be staying with us for a while. She will be staying in the guest bedroom." My mother says as she walks over to my depressed little brother jem.

I run upstairs into my bedroom and chuck my jacket into the corner of my room. I then climb onto my bed and bawl my eyes out for what seems like forever, until I finally cry myself to sleep.

To be continued...

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