Chapter 24

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*Harry's POV*

I wake up to the sun beaming through the very large window. I am relieved to find Sydney still breathing deeply on my chest. She's so beautiful. I take my arms and wrap them tightly around her small frame. I feel the soft thud of her heart on my chest, and it's so comforting. I have to take in this peaceful moment, because I know it won't last long. After I tell people where I am, Emily is going to kill me. I cant let her keep me away from Sydeny, though. As much as the words hurt to say, I would rather quit the band than put her... and me... through that much pain again.

Sydney starts to move around a little bit on my chest, and she wraps her legs tightly around mine. She's so perfect.

She lifts her head up and grins.

"Good morning, Harry." She says in her cute morning voice.

"Good morning, baby. How did you sleep?" I ask her.

"I slept really great, actually. That was the best I have slept in a long time." she grins again.

"Clearly, you drooled all over my shirt!" I love messing with her. It's so cute to see her cheeks flush in embarassment.

Sure enough, her cheeks start to flush and her eyes get wide when she sees the small circle of drool on my shirt.

"I am so sorry" She says with a serious face

I chuckle "You should be! This was my favorite shirt" I grin

She smirks "You're mean"

"I do what I can" I say.

We both chuckle. Then her face gets serious.

"Have you told them, yet?" she asks

I sigh. "No... I guess I will now" I say as I look down

She starts to move off of my chest.

"No... Please stay here" I want her to stay as close to me as possible... it's comforting.

"Okay" she says as a small smile forms on her lips.

I grab my phone that is sitting next to the alarm clock and turn it on.

It instantly blows up with tons of calls and texts. It's overwhelming. I ignore them all and go straight to Louis in my contacts. I want to tell him first.

I take a deep breath and press call. He answers after two rings.

"Harry are you okay?!" he says sounding worried.

"Yes, I'm fine.... I guess"

"Where are you? Everybody is freaking out! I have been worried sick!" He says frantically.

"I'm with Sydney..."

He sighs in relief. "That's where I was hoping you were. Emily is going to kill you, though..."

I sigh "yeah... I know"

We are silent for a second

"Do you know what you are going to do?" he quietly asks.

"What do you mean?"

"Like about Sydney. You aren't just going to leave her again, are you?"

"No. I'm not going to let Emily control my life like that. I'll threaten to leave the band if I have to."

Sydney's face lights up with confusion. I grab her hand and lace our fingers together.

"Yes, don't be afraid to do that Harry. We will support you no matter what, okay?"

"Okay, thanks Louis."

"No problem, mate. We'll always be here for you."

I smile. I'm so glad I have them in my life. "Well I guess I'll call Emily now..."

"Okay, mate. Stay strong. Don't be afraid to tell her off."

I chuckle "okay, Louis."

"Bye, good luck!"

"Thanks, bye!"

I hang up the phone.

"You wouldn't really quit the band because of me, would you?" Sydney asks concerned.

"If I had to, yes. Yes, I would."

"Harry, I don't want you to do that..."

"Sydney, i realized something when I had to break up with you. I realized that I can't live without you, Sydney. You are the bright light of my life... my other half. I'm completely lost and broken without you. If I lose my job, so what? I'll still have you. You're all I need, Sydney. All of the fame and fortune doesn't matter to me at all. You're all that matters. I would be stupid to let go of you. So stupid. I love you so much. And if you don't know this already, I need you."

Her eyes start to fill up with tears.

"Harry..." Her voice shakes "I love you so much" she rests her head on my chest and cries. I wrap my arms tightly around her.

"I love you, baby"

She takes a deep breath. "Okay, I guess you have to call Emily now."

I take a deep breath and pick up my phone. "Okay"

I find her number in my contacts, take another deep breath, and press call.


Here we go....

"Hello, Emily" I simply say.


"Please stop yelling" I say

"TELL ME WHERE YOU ARE!" She yells again.

"I'm with Sydney" I simply say.

"I knew it!!!! Well, enjoy these few minutes with her, because they are going to be your last! Ever!!!!!"

"No Emily! I'm sick of you trying to control me! I'm done with it!"

"Um, Harry it's my job! So, you are just going to have to get over it!"

"No, it was your job. But it's not anymore because I quit!!!!"

She stays silent for a little bit.

"What?!" she says confused.

"You heard me Emily, I didn't stutter!"

"You know you don't mean that, Harry."

"Yes, I mean it. Now I'm done with this conversation. I'll see you tomorrow to sign the papers." I hang up the phone.

Sydney looks at me with tears in her eyes.

"Did you really just quit One Direction?"

Did I? I really did... I just quit One Direction...

"Yeah... I think I did..."


Hey guys! I'm sorry I took me forever to update! And I'm sorry it's really short!!!! I was super busy with exams last week! But the good news is is it's summer now! Yayyyyyy! My summer is still going to be super busy, but I should be able to update sooner. I hope you enjoyed the chapter! Thank you soooo much for reading!!!!! Don't forget to leave comments and vote!

Love you! :D

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