Chapter 4

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"So what kind of food do you guys like?" Harry asks.

"I'm fine with anything" I say.

"PIZZA!" Grace screams out.

"Well pizza it is!" Harry laughs.

"Are we invited?" Liam asks.

"Duhhh" Harry rolls his eyes.

They all pack up their stuff and get ready to leave.

"So, do you guys know of any good pizza places down here in Houston?"

"Yes! There is this really amazing one right down the road!!!" Grace screams.

She needs to calm down.

"Is that alright with you, Sydney?" Harry politely asks.

"Of course!"

"You're a pretty chill person, aren't you?" He asks.

"I guess...." Is that a good thing or a bad thing?

"That's a good thing" he smirks. "I like chill."

It's like he read my mind.

"Well, let's go."

We all started walking out of the dressing room. Right when we get to the door to leave the building, Harry stops.

"I almost forgot about the paparazzi."Harry says with a frightened look on his face. "Just don't pay attention to them. Don't answer any of their questions. And make sure you follow me..... There are going to be some pretty crazy rumors going around after this."

I really don't want people spreading bad rumors about him... Or me.

"Oh, we don't have to go then." I quickly say before he opens the door.

"What... why..." he looks pretty sad now.

"I don't want any bad rumors going around about you."

"Sydney... People spread bad rumors about me every day. It's nothing I'm not used to... Just trust me. It will all be fine."

I nod my head.

"Okay, so there should be a car waiting out here for us. Just push your way through the paparazzi. You have to be aggressive."

We all nod.

As soon as he opens the door I am blinded by the white lights. This is crazy. How did they even know what door they would be coming out of? How do they live with this every time they go out in public?

"Hurry up Sydney, we are losing them!" Grace pulls me out of my thoughts. She grabs my arm and drags me to the car. Harry, being the gentleman that he is, opens the door for us. We all get in the black SUV.

"Bring us to the pizza place please." Liam says.

It takes like two minutes to get there. I'm pretty sure the paparazzi were running behind the car the whole time. This is insane.

We all get out of the car. As we are entering the resteraunt, I get pushed over by the paparazzi and fall to the ground. Of course this happens to me. I'm such a klutz.

"Hey man, back off!!!!" Harry shouts at the random paparazzi. He immediately runs over to me and starts asking if I'm okay.

"I'm fine." I say laughing.

"Are you sure? Because I can beat him up if you would like me to!"

"I'm sure, Harry. I promise!" I'm laughing even more at his offer.

He reaches his hand down to help me up. I take it and jump up as if nothing ever happened.

I'm not going to lie... my butt hurts pretty bad.

We finally maneuver our way through the paparazzi and make it into the resteraunt.

They send us to a special room in the back so we don't get bombarded with people.

"Well that was fun" I laugh.

"Are you sure you're okay? You hit your bum pretty hard." Zayn asks.

"Yes I'm fine. I might have a bruise tomorrow, though" We all laugh.

"So.... how long will y'all be in Houston?" Grace asks.

"Y'all..." Harry mocks Grace.

"Hey, don't make fun of me!"

"I'm sorry.... I had to" Harry chuckles.

"Anyways, we are actually here for two more days! This is probably the longest we will get to stay in one city while we are on tour." Liam answers.

Two days? So basically I will get to see Harry for two more days and then.... he's gone. My fairy tail will be over.

"Two days...." I look at the ground.

"Hey, can I talk to you, Sydney?" Harry asks.


Harry stands up from the table. So, I do the same and follow him. We both walk outside through the back door. Lucky for us there is a bench out here. Harry motions for me to come sit next to him.

"Okay. So I know I am only here for two more days. But I really think this could work."

"But how, Harry? I will never get to see you..."

"I don't know the details yet. But I know this will work...... it has to." He looks at the ground.

We sit in silence for a couple of minutes. Both of us staring at the ground.

"We can do long distance." Harry suggests.

"Harry... you're forgetting a major detail...." I say.

"And that is...."

"It would kind of be illegal for us to date.... I'm still sixteen..."

"Ohh... yeah... well nobody has to know..."

He has a point.

"That's true I guess." I look at him and he smiles. His smile is perfect. I can't help but to smile back at him.

"Well, first things first... Can I have your number?"

"Only if I can have yours" I smirk.


Sorry this chapter is really short! I will make the next update really long! I hope you enjoy it! Thanks for reading! :D

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