Chapter 5

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We exchange numbers and Harry looks into my eyes.

"Do you want to just ditch this whole dinner thing? We could go back to my hotel room and talk." he asks me.

That sounds perfect.

"Actually, that sounds great." I smile at him.

"We could steal some pizza on the way out" we both laugh.


We walk back inside and to the table.

"Nice of you guys to finally join us." Niall smirks.

"Actually, we were just going to steal some pizza and head out. We are both kind of tired" Harry tells them.

Tired? Terrible excuse Harry.

"Oh, sure. Tired." Louis smirks. They all chuckle.

"Shut up." Harry says.

"Well we will be here if you need us. You two have fun." Louis smiles.

"Thank you, we will." Harry says.

"Bye Sydney!" Liam says

"Bye guys!" I wave.

They all wave back as we leave.

Harry called in a driver for us. Apparently they are already waiting outside. We exit the restaurant and enter the swarm of people. A security guard greets us and escorts us to the car. Harry opens the door for me and I get in.

"To the hotel, please." Harry tells the driver.

As we are driving down the road, Harry rests his hand on my leg. This sends a swarm of butterflies to my stomach and shivers all the way up my body. I look into his eyes.... I could stare into them all day.

"Here we are" the driver says as the car comes to a stop.

"Thank you so much!" Harry hands the driver a tip and we hop out of the car.

"We are in the back of the hotel, so hopefully we can make it in without any disturbances." Harry tells me.

Sure enough, we made it safely to his room. He runs and jumps on the bed and sighs in exhaustion. I run and jump on the other bed and do the same.

Suddenly, I hear a buzzing sound. It's my phone. I pull it out of my pocket to see Mom flashing on the screen.

"It's my mom! I completely forgot about her! I have to get this!"

Harry chuckles. "Okay"


"Sydney where have you been!?!? You said you would be home by midnight!"

I look at the clock... it's 1:30 am. I'm dead.

"Oh my goodness mom I am so sorry! you will never believe what happened though..."

"This better be good" she says in a harsh tone.

"Well, basically I met Harry Styles and we are really good friends now. He has two more days in Houston and I was wondering if maybe I could stay with him? Not like in the same room with him or anything. But Grace and I could share a hotel room or something!"

"Wait, wait. You met Harry Styles and just became really good friends with him? Explain to me how that worked?"

"Um... I just got lucky I guess..."

"This sounds really sketchy, Sydney."

"I'm telling you the truth, mom."

Next thing I know Harry is grabbing. The phone from me.

"Hello, Sydney's mum! This is Harry, Harry Styles. I just wanted to let you know that your daughter is an amazing friend, and she means so much to me. I have already booked and payed for a room for her and Grace for two nights. I will take great care of them if you let them stay!" Harry puts the phone on speaker.

I hope this works.

" Fine... but she has to be back here early Monday morning, do you understand me?"

"Yes ma'am. Thank you so much!" Harry smiles and hangs up the phone.

"Nobody can say no to Harry Styles" he smirks and we both start laughing.

"Well that was close.... I completely forgot about her..." I say.

"Yeah, she sounds pretty strict!"

"Tell me about it." I mutter.

He gets up and grabs the pizza and brings it to the bed.

"Here, eat some pizza." he opens the box.

"Don't mind if I do!" I smile and take a piece. He laughs.

We sit on the bed and talk for hours. There was never a silent moment.... until....

*Harry's POV*

We had been talking and laughing for hours. I have never had this much fun just talking to somebody.... especially a girl.

As she sits there, smiling, I look into her eyes. It's like I get lost in them and can't find my way out. I'm lost.... lost in her eyes.... And it's the most beautiful thing ever. It feels like I have been lost in them for eternity, but it's only been a minute or two. I suddenly get this urge.... this urge to kiss her. But I can't, not yet anyway. She hasn't had her first kiss yet, and I need to make sure it's perfect. I have to wait....

*Sydney's POV*

As I sit there, staring into his emerald eyes, I realize how lucky I am. I literally just had the best day of my life. It's been one heck of a day. I'm pretty exhausted now that I think of it. I turn to look at the clock. It's 4:30 am. Woah.

"You tired, love?"

There he goes, reading my mind again.

"Yeah, just a little bit." I yawn and lay back on the pillows.

Harry takes the covers and pulls them over my body.

"I'll get in the other bed." Harry says.

"No, stay here. Please." For some reason, I just want to be close to him tonight.

"Whatever you say, love." Harry smirks and gets in bed next to me. This is the best feeling ever.

"Goodnight, love." Harry kisses my on the forehead and turns out the lights.

"Goodnight, Harry." I smile.

The warmth of his body next to me is so comforting. My eyelids start to get heavy, and I finally drift asleep.


Hey guys! I hope you enjoyed this chapter! sorry it's a little short again haha. I will try and update again tomorrow! Thank you so much for reading! Let me know what you think!

Have a great Sunday! :D

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