Chapter 11

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As I'm crying my feelings out into my pillow I hear my phone start to ring.

Ugghhh. I'm not in the mood to talk to anybody right now, not even Harry. I stare at my phone that is all the way across the room and let it continue ringing. If it's important, he'll leave a message.

Once it finally stops ringing I walk across the room to get it. Unknown number? I guess it wasn't Harry. As I debate with myself weather or not to call them back, I get a notification that they left a message. I quickly enter my password so I can listen to it.

"Hello, Sydney. This is Amanda and I work with Ralph Lauren in New York City. I saw some of the pictures of you with Harry Styles and I thought you would be a perfect model for our company. We currently have a spot open, and I wanted to offer it to you first. You are exactly what we are looking for. So if you are intrested, please give us a call back. Thank you so much and we really hope you consider."

My thoughts of confusion and despair are immediately replaced with excitement. What? Wow. Ralph Lauren? I mean I've always secretly wanted to model, but this is way bigger than I ever imagined. This is great! I wonder if Harry knows? I have to call him! He's probably still in rehearsals though... he said he would call me after. I literally jump up and down in excitement. My secret dream might actually come true! Should I go downstairs and tell my parents? I wonder what my mom would think....

I quickly rush downstairs to tell my parents. They are deep in conversation right now... oh well.

"Mom, Dad, guess what?" I try not to sound too excited, but I don't think that worked.

"What?" my mom says.

"I just got a call from a girl that works for Ralph Lauren in New York and she wants me to model for them!"

"Wow Sydney that's great!" my dad says.

"Wow... a model? Is that something you would want to do?" my mom curiously asks.

"Yes, it is!" I answer.

"So, if you said yes, would we have to move to New York City?" My mom asks me.

"I don't know the details yet, but probably."

"Well that's a huge, life hanging decision, Sydney." My mom looks at my dad. "What do you think about it Scott?" my mom asks my dad.

"I think if it's something that she really wants to do, then you should let her go for it." he smiles at me.

"I'll still have to think about it. Can I talk to this lady?" She asks.

"Yes, I'll give you her number." I pull out my phone and give my mom the number. She puts the number in her phone and starts to call it. She leaves the kitchen, goes into her bedroom and closes the door.

"Well this is exciting!" my dad says.

"Yeah, yeah it is" I smile. I'm still kind of in shock.

"Hey, I bet you'll get more time with Harry now" he winks and walks away.

I chuckle and head back up to my room. He's right. If I do this modeling thing, then I'll have to be homeschooled. If I'm homeschooled, then I'll get to see Harry more! This is all starting to fall into place and I couldn't be more thrilled! I jump on my bed and pull my phone out of my pocket... still no call from Harry. It's been 3 hours. Maybe they are still rehearsing.

I lay on my bed for thirty minutes before I decide to get on social media. I have wanted to do this for days now.

I log onto my twitter and look at my profile. Woah. I have 82.5 K followers! That's insane considering that five days ago I only had seventy. I log out of twitter and log into my Instagram. I have 98K on Instagram! This is crazy! I scroll through all of the pictures of me with Harry. Most of them are from the pizza place. I guess I understand what my dad was talking about now. As I look at my eyes in these pictures, I notice they have a different look to them. One that is not familiar to me. And the way that Harry is looking back at me.... it's love.... And it's completely obvious.

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