Chapter 3

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I took a deep breath and read the note.

Dear Sydney,

The moment I laid eyes on you, I knew

that we would have something

special. It was just something about

you... I just knew. I never really

believed in love at first sight until I

saw you, Sydney. Now I know you're

only sixteen... but darling, I would

wait 100 years for you. I know that

there will be tons of challenges and

people along the way that will try and

tear us apart, but I am willing to risk

it all for you. I know I sound psycho

saying all of this when I just met you

two hours ago.... But love can make

you crazy sometimes. I just want you

to know how I feel, because sometimes

I can be hard to read. I know writing

a note is kind of juvenile, but it's just

easier for me to express my feelings

this way. I hope all of this makes since

and I hope you enjoy the show

tonight! You have some pretty

awesome tickets ;)

xx Harry

"Wow." That's all I could say right now. Wow.

"Let me read it!" Grace screams!

"Maybe later Grace.... we have to go get to our seats! The concert has already started!"

I neatly folded up the note and put it in my pocket. I honestly don't want anybody reading this but me. I know, I'm selfish.

"How do we get out into the audience from here?"

"That's a good question..." I completely forgot that we were backstage still.

We walked down the hallway, and lucky for us, we ran into Paul.

"Are you ladies lost?" Paul asks us.

"Yes, actually we are!"

"Well let me see your tickets and I can show you the way."

"Okay, Thanks!"

I handed him the tickets.

"Okay, follow me!"

He led us down the hallway and into the stadium. 5sos is still playing, so we didn't miss much.

"Right here ladies, enjoy the show!" He pointed to two seats in the very front.

"Wow thank you!" Grace screamed.

He winked at us and walked away.

"This is so amazing Sydney! We are literally right in the front! Front AND center! I'm so glad Harry Styles has a crush on my best friend!"

I just smiled. Because now, after the note, I actually believe it. Harry Styles actually has a crush on me.

5sos just finished singing. They were pretty good! Grace was screaming the whole time... of course.

Now it's time for one Direction to come out. I don't know why, but I'm actually nervous.

The music starts and they come out from behind the screens one at a time.

First Niall, then Liam, then Zayn then Louis.... of course he's last.... then Harry....He has a huge smile on his face. Probably the biggest, most genuine smile I have ever seen on him. Everybody in the stadium is going crazy right now, including Grace. I don't think I will be able to hear tomorrow.

I feel kind of bad because every single person in this stadium knows all of the words to the songs.... except for me. Oh well.

After like 8 songs, Niall runs over and grabs his acoustic guitar. They all sit down on various parts of the stage. Harry grabs his microphone and starts talking.

"I would like to sing this song to a very special girl... she means the world to me... She knows who she is." He was smirking.



"Um... yeah." I'm at a loss of words.

Niall starts to play the guitar.


I have never heard this song before. But I love it already. It's beautiful. As Harry starts singing his part... he looks into my eyes. My world stopped spinning again. I can't even describe what I'm feeling right now.

As the song ends, I literally can't move. I just want to take in this moment so I can remember it forever. This is by far the best day of my life.

"Sydney that was so perfect!" She is bawling.

"Why are you crying, Grace?" I laughed.

"Because my best friend is in love. This is big, Sydney! Did you see the way he was looking at you!?"

"Yeah.... maybe this is love..."

As the concert comes to an end, I'm actually pretty sad. I just had the best night if my life... But wait, it isn't over yet.

Grace and I start walking around trying to find Paul. He can let us backstage.

After like 30 minutes of looking, we finally found him.

"Hey Paul!"

"Hey guys! Harry was actually just looking for you. He's freaking out right now because he thinks you left. You might want to go find him."

"Well do you know where he is?"

"No. I'll just bring you backstage though. You can wait back there."

"Okay thanks Paul!"

He brought us backstage again. All of the boys were back here. Harry looks frustrated.

"SYDNEY!" He smiles in relief and runs up to me and gives me the biggest hug.

"I was looking all over for you. I thought you left me..." He looks down.

"Harry I wouldn't just leave you like that!"

"I think somebody's in lovveee." Niall jokes.

"Shut up Niall" Harry snaps.

"Anyways.... I was thinking we could all go out to eat!" Harry says with a big smile on his face.

"Yeah.... that sounds great." I smile back at him.

The feeling I get when I'm around him is indescribable. It's the best feeling ever. If this is a dream... I never want to wake up...


Hey guys! Thank you for reading! I hope you enjoyed this chapter! Please let me know what you think about it!


Unconditionally (Harry Styles)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz