chapter 50

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song: Thinking Out Loud - Ed Sheeran

It all made sense now.

"Not wasting one minute"

But I don't find myself happy. I feel confused.

I fluster, "Wait-what do you mean you're moving to California? When? Why?!" I say louder than I anticipated.

Dave scratches the back of his head, "You remember that essay Jocelyn and I had to write? Well, if it was really good we could get a scholarship to the college of our choice..And so I won it." He chuckles nervously.

I was speechless.

"And I chose Stanford."

I force a smile, "Well thats great-"

"I didn't think I would actually get in, it just happened. I'm sorry."

I shake my head, "No no no no, don't be sorry, its not a bad thing!"

Dave looks at me seriously. "What do you mean its not a bad thing? We will be miles apart. Are you not going to miss me? I didn't think you would react like this."

I scoff, "Do you want me to be the girlfriend that stops you from making the right choices? I know that you'll be miles away and I'll miss you like hell, but Dave this is Stanford! We were thinking of just going to a community college but this is more than just a community college. This can get you somewhere Dave, you're one of the smartest people I know. At least this summer, we will get to spend more time together before you leave."

"Aria, I'm leaving right after graduation as in the next day." He corrects.

"Oh." I say with a blank face.

"Hey, look at me." Dave lifts my chin up. "we're going to be okay. When you were out for two months I was terrified, but when you woke up I felt relieved because I knew you were weren't going anywhere. So just think of it as that, I'll always be coming back. I know you're sad Aria, I know you're trying to hide it but I can see right through you. If you think about it, we've been through hell and back, we can handle this."


*Day of Graduation*

I pant, running up to my mom in the kitchen, "Mom!" I say breathing heavily.

She chuckles, "what,did you run a marathon or something?"

"No, I can't find my nude heels! I looked everywhere!" I groan.

She furrows her eyebrows, "Now, why would you need those? And why are you dressed so nice?" She asks as she turns around.

"For graduation."

She sighs. "I did tell you that you won't be able to walk down the aisle right?"

"Yes, but I can't dress up to watch it?" I chuckle.

My mom gives a look. "You didn't tell your friends you aren't graduating with them, did you?"

I shrug, "No, I didn't."

"Why not?"

I scoff. "Why not? Because its embarrassing! I've been an A student for as long as I can remember and so does everyone at my school and my friends. And if they don't see me then-"

"Who cares? It's not your fault remember? You are going to graduate sweetie, you just don't get to walk down the aisle."

"That's the thing mom, I will never get to live that moment. I will never experience what its like to walk down the aisle as a high school senior ever again." I say.

Coexist // Dave Francoजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें