chapter 35

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Days past and neither Dave nor I have figured out who is the father of this child. I've decided to take a break from stress and hang out with my friends at a Christmas party and so Lauren and Alex decided to come over and we'd all get dressed together.

My mom hasn't been saying nice things to me ever since she found I I was pregnant. And she's even more upset at me that I don't know who the father is either. Right now she's avoiding every moment with me.

"I'm going to a Christmas party later tonight so Lauren and Alex are coming over to get ready with me. Is that okay?"

She slammed the knife on the table after spreading the butter across her toast. "I don't know, Aria. Is it okay for you to get preg-" She stormed.

I let out an obnoxious groan, "That's not my fault!" I yelled. "I'm as clueless as you are so stop getting mad at me! Okay?"

"You should at least be more responsible to know that you shouldn't even be going that far with anyone!" She shouted. "I did not raise you to do that."

By this time Lauren and Alex swung open the door, unintentionally.

Alex glanced at both of us and spoke, "Oh, uh should we come back another time I-"

"No, it's alright. I was just heading out." My mom interrupted and took her sandwich as she slammed the door on her way out.

"Geez, I though your mom was always the innocent sweet one." Lauren let out a breath and took a seat on the couch.

I scoffed, "She was."

"So what's going on?" Alex asked while rummaging through my fridge.

I shrugged, "She's just been upset at me because I went behind her back and got pregnant. And also I don't know who the father is either."

Lauren gasped and Alex turned her head, "Wait you don't know who's the dad?!" Lauren asked with her eyebrows raised.

"No I-"

"How is that possible?!" Alex screeched.

"I don't know! But yeah that's why my moms mad. I don't really blame her because the truth is better than not knowing but I don't know a thing."

"Do you have anybody you'd think you've might of done it with?" Alex asked.

I was clueless. The only memory I had was Dave and James. I couldn't grasp any thought of anybody else.

Then I remembered, what happened before that?

Do I remember anything before I got hit by Dave's car? If so, did something happen to me that cause me to run in the middle of the street? Late at night?

Who was I with that night?

Dave's POV

It's the night of our friend, Dylan's Christmas party and his parents went to Vegas for a high school reunion or something. He called me a few minutes ago to buy some snacks at the grocery store because he felt like he 'didn't have enough food'.

I had no clue who else was going to this party and I don't intend bringing gourmet food. I walked into the grocery store while I took over the aisle of the chips. I grabbed four bags of the king sized chips in my hand, with all different kinds.

As I walked to the cashier, I saw a familiar face leaving the store. "Tyler?" I called out.

He turned around and gave me a nod and wave, "Oh hey," he said nonchalantly. "what's up?"

"Getting some food for Dylan's Christmas party, you coming?"

"Oh that's tonight?" He asked.

I looked at him confused, "Uh yeah, did he not tell you?"

"He did, but I must have forgotten the date I guess." He shrugged.

"Okay, cool. So, I'll see you there?" I said as he walked in the other direction.

I know it was weird to invite Aria's ex-boyfriend to watch the Super Bowl game with us since he only knew me and maybe two other guys, but I felt bad that he doesn't really have that much people anymore.

"Yeah, for sure." He nodded and left.

Aria's POV

I wore a black peter pan dress that that a white collar along with dark maroon Mary Jane heels. My hair was loosely curled while my bangs were pinned to the back of my head secured with bobby pins.

I stood on the door step while Lauren rang the doorbell. Our friend Dylan opened the door and we all greeted him.

"Hey," I smiled as he gave me a friendly hug. "where's Dave?"

He looked at me unblinkingly, "I haven't seen you for 2 months and that's the first thing you ask me? Wow thanks." He said sarcastically. He was known for being the sarcastic funny one.

I slightly chuckled, "I'm sorry, how've you been?"

"Oh well I'm perfectly fine, I was wondering about you?"

I gave him a suspicious look, "Um, what about me?"

"Dave told me that you're pregnant."

I looked at him all bug eyed and pulled him to the side where less people were. "Who else did Dave tell?!"

"Chill. It was just a few, but as of right now I don't know because he's kind of you know," he clicked his tongue, "...tipsy so anything can happen."

I ran my fingers through the roots of my hair and let out a deep breath, "Where is he?" I asked looking for a straight forward answer.

"Kitchen, maybe?" He shrugged.

I walked to the direction Dylan pointed to and it led me to Dave. He had a red solo cup in his hand while the other hand was flimsy from explaining some type of story. I awkwardly made my way past the over attached couples and into the group of people Dave was talking to.

"..and so he said ash who? and I said bless you!" He laughed hysterically along with the group of clearly drunk people.

"Dave.." I said pulling on his arm.

He took two glances at me and looked surprised, "Aria! You came!"

"Well I didn't feel like facing and my mom again, but that's not that point." I stated and pulled him to a secluded and quiet hallway. Before I did that I slapped the drink out of his hands and grabbed a water bottle from the fridge as I handed it to him.

"Why did you tell everyone about me being pregnant?!" I snapped at him.

He chugged the water until it was all gone before answering, "You were gone for two months, I had to explain everything that happened."

"Even about James?!"

"Yes! Stop yelling." He whined.

I rolled my eyes, "You can't tell anybody about my pregnancy, Dave!"

"Why not?" He slurred.

"Because it's private! And there are people at this party I don't even know and people here that I don't want them to know about anything!" I yelled stubbornly.

"Like who?" he asked.

I heard footsteps come from the other end of the hallway.

"Hey guys. Did you miss me?" She interrupted and walked towards us with a devilish smirk.

"Nice to see you Jocelyn." I glared with a peeved look.


Oooh shoot. What's going to happen? Don't forget Tyler is going to make an appearance in the next chapter so stay tuned!

I'm sorry I keep changing the cast, so if you read the casting on the side it's probably not updated so here it is:

Dave Franco as Himself

Lily Collins as Aria

Tyler Posey as Himself

Lauren as Selena Gomez

Alex as Chloe Moretz

Dylan O'Brien as Himself

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