chapter 9

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When you look me in the eyes - Jonas Brothers

LOL this is a really old song but i still love it haha i hope you enjoy this chapter this is one of my favorites and if you read it you'll know why ;)


Aria's POV

"I cheated on you."

I waited.

I studied his face praying to God that he would put on his famous smile and tell me that he was kidding.

But unfortunately he wasn't. His face didn't flich once as he said those words. It's werid how just a few words can change your emotion so quickly.

And in my case I didn't want to believe it.

"No." I whispered rapidly shaking my head as my eyes glued to his.

"No! You're lying to me! Please pleease tell me your lying!" I sobbed. My eyes were flowing of hot tears unable to stop.

"I'm not lying Aria." he spoke. He walked towards me but i felt a instinct to back away.


I didn't bother to let him answer. I quickly grabbed my things a left the bathroom. Leaving him there a drunk mess.

Part of me wanted to forgive him and run back into his arms and the other part wanted me to kill him.

As soon as i got out I managed to wipe all my tears away. But it just kept going. Even though i asked him why, I honestly didn't want to know.

The most disgusting feeling is when everytime he told me he loved me, he lied. And not once did i ever lie to him.

I couldn't handle school right now so i decided to just go home, because of all the things that was going through my head. And frankly it made me drousy. My palm felt my forehead and it was cold.

I didn't let it bother me as I kept walking. I looked at my hand.

It was blurry. My hands started shaking non stop and my breathing became heavier.

My lungs were fighting for air as me knees went weak and fell onto the hard cement.

"Aria?!" I heard a familar voice say a few feet away from me.

"ARIA!!" the voice said as loud footsteps came towards me.

It was Dave.

"Oh my god a-are you okay?!" he said

"I- I don't know I-I t-think I'm h-ha-having a panic attack" I stuttered gasping for air.

"What do i do?!" I yelled

"Okay okay uuhh"

"Dave I can't bre-"

Before I could finish i felt a pair of moist lips meet mine. My eyelids lightly closed. His hands on the back of my neck forcing a passionate kiss.

He gently pulled back as my eyes fluttered open to a handsome boy with the biggest grin.

I immediately noticed that my hands had calmed down and my forehead wasn't ice cold anymore. And my tears,

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