Y/N?// Thomas

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Thomas' POV

Whoever they were, whatever their motive was, I was grateful. They saved me and my friends from WICKED.

The only person missing was Y/N and Chuck.

They both died. Y/N went into the Maze and never came out, Chuck died right in front of me.

I don't know how I could I even try and maintain a normal life without her.

On the helicopter ride out, somehow I fell asleep. Going without sleep for so long finally caught up to me.

When I woke up, Newt was shoving me. "Thomas, wake up!"

When I got up, my eyes immediately fell on her. "Y/N?"

She looked over, confusion written across her face, along with shock. "Thomas?"

She broke out into a run as I pushed myself out of helicopter and towards her. Her body slammed against mine as I wrapped my arms around her, hugging her tightly.

"I thought you died." I breathed against her, pulling back to look at her.

"It's a long story." He smiled at me, pushing back my hair.


I sat down beside her after they fed us and let us shower, sitting close to her.

"Can you tell me what happened?" I asked softly.

"I found a way out of the Maze," she said to me. "I didn't want to get everyone's hopes up before I knew for sure it was the way out and once I got out, I couldn't get back in."

I frowned softly but reached over and grabbed her hand, intertwining our fingers. 

"WICKED got to me before I could get back in and these guys broke in to get me out," she explained. "They wouldn't let me go back."

"It's okay, we're out now."

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have went in without you guys," she turned to me, tears in her eyes. "I didn't know I would never see you again."

"Hey," I said, taking her face in my hands. "I'm right here."

I leaned down and pressed my lips against hers, pulling her closer to me. "I love you so much, Y/N."

She laughed, tears slipping down her face. "I love you too, Thomas."

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