Take Me Pt 2// Thomas

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Your POV

You were in and out of consciousness when they brought you down to the lab. It was hard to keep your eyes open after they kept giving you different medicine.

Thomas was here, with you. He was going to save you. He was sitting in the chair beside me, Teresa taking his blood, a gun in his hand.

"Thomas-" You mumbled, struggling to get words out of your mouth.

"Mix it and give it to her." He said, waving the gun around.

Why did he have a gun?

You felt a needle prick your arm, not really flinching since you were used to it. Instead pain spread across your body, making your eyes roll to the back of your head.

Then, relief spread across your body, taking all the pain away.

Thomas' POV

"Get me out of here." I said to Teresa.

"Thomas, you can't-"

"I can't stay here, the others are waiting for me-"

"What others?" she asked. "You said everyone was else was dead."

"They're not," I admitted. "I came to get her."

She sighed, running a hand through her hair. "Fine, but I can only get you to the external doors, from there you're on your own."

"Thank you." I said, pulling her into a hug.

"What's going on?" Y/N's voice rang out as she sat up.

I gasped, running over to her, wrapping my arms around her. "You're okay."

She smiled at me, tears in her eyes. "You saved me."

"That's what I'm good for, yeah?"

"Yeah." She smiled, kissing my lips.

I kissed back before pressing a kiss against her forehead. "Let's get out of here."

She smiled, slowly getting up, intertwining my fingers with hers. "Lead the way."


Things are looking up for me guys! I started my new class, I found an internship, AND i was asked to start a school newsletter!! Yay!!

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