We'll Be Fine// Stiles

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You and Stiles were sitting on the floor of Gerard Argent's basement, tied and unable to move.

You and Stiles figured out that Gerard was the one that took Erica and Boyd, trying to get rid of the werewolves in Beacon Hills.

When you saw Gerard knock Stiles out, you raced after them, inevitably being snatched with him. You woke up with a splitting headache, your back pressed against Stiles'.

"Y/n, is that you?" Stiles asked, his voice groggy with sleep.

"Where are we?" You asked, going to rub your forehead, but you're hands were tied down.

"Gerard's got us."

You started to wiggle out of your restraints, familiar with it from hanging out with Allison so much. Your wrist became slippery with blood, allowing you to get your wrist out. You stood up just as the door opened and Gerard started coming down the stairs. 

"Go," Stiles said to you. "Go, right now, before he comes down."

"What?" you shook your head. "I'm not leaving here without you."

You sat back down, putting your hands behind your back, frowning.

"You two are in so much trouble.."

"Oh please old man, I could kick your ass up and down this room if I tried hard enough." You scoffed.

Gerard leaned over you, his hand about to come in contact with your face. 

"Don't hit her! Don't you lay a hand on her!"

Gerard turned his back for a second as you slipped from your restraints and grabbed a pipe from the ground, hitting Gerard over the head with it. 

"Gerard, are you home?" You heard Chris yell from the top floor.

You turned and looked at Stiles, who was still tied up and scared. "We'll be fine, Stiles, but we have to hurry and get Erica and Boyd down."

You started to hide as you heard Chris come down the stairs, but it was too late. You met his eyes, shock written across his face.

"Y/n? Stiles? What the hell are you two doing down here?"

"Please let us go, we won't tell anyone-"

"Yeah, I won't tell my dad."

"What are you talking about?" Chris said. "What happened?"

"Gerard is killing the other werewolves in town and we figured him out," Stiles hurried, mumbling. "He kidnapped us."

"Get out of here, both of you," Chris said, untying Boyd. "I trust that the two of you will do whatever you think is right."

"Thank you, Chris."

He nodded, helping us up the stairs. "Scott's upstairs with Allison."


"Stiles, I'm fine! I can bandage up my wrists myself." You said, trying to pull your wrist out of his hands.

"I'm almost done."

You huffed, letting him finish before throwing yourself back on his bed, closing your eyes.

"Stiles, you can come sit down." You said, watching as he paced.

"I can't stop thinking about what happened in the basement," Stiles said to you. "That there was nothing I could have done to stop whatever he was going to do to you."


"You were the one that saved us, that saved me, while I sat frozen," he said. "There's nothing I could do to help you, and I hate myself for not being able to protect you."

"I think I, for one, can protect myself, and you too." You chuckled, putting an arm around his shoulder.

"I hate that I can't be the one to protect you."

"I love you so much Stiles, and you're too smart not to be able to protect yourself, you know that."

You snuggled into his chest, his heart beating against your ear. He wrapped an arm around your shoulder, yours laying across his abdomen. 

His lips pressed gently across your forehead as you closed your eyes.  

"I love you too, y/n," he whispered. "You're my best friend."

"You're mine, too."

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