You Lied To Me// Stiles

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You followed Scott into the library, your eyes closed, your hand in Scott's as you followed him blindly.

You were trying to kill the Anuk-Ite, a creature that turns you to stone if you look at him and he meets your eyes. You had to keep your eyes closed to defeat him, but it was hard to fight something you can't see.

You were a vampire. You were turned on a trip out of town with your family, and the only person that knows is Stiles.

You didn't tell your boyfriend, Stiles, because you though it was the best to keep things normal between you two.

You started to hear someone around you, saying things to you about Stiles and asking you to open your eyes. 

"Y/n, don't do it," Scott said, gripping your hand tighter. "Don't open your eyes."

You watched Scott fight the creature, Scott shoving you to the back of the library. He was trying to keep you safe. He dug his claws into his eyes, blinding himself.

You gasped, standing up. "Scott!"

"I'm fine, I'm fine, y/n," he said, putting his fists up. "Stay back there."

Scott was almost dead, there wasn't more he could do. So you stepped in to hold him back while Scott caught his breath.

He threw you against the walls more than once, fully exhausting you. You and Scott got to your feet, ready for one last round when the library doors were threw open, Stiles throwing mountain ash at the creature, killing it.

His eyes met yours and you knew then he was angry at you.


"You lied to me." He said, looking you dead in the face.

"It's not like that."

"I asked you if you were supernatural and you so you weren't and I believed you because I trusted you," he said to you. "You lied to my face."

"I thought it'd be better if you didn't know."


You grabbed his hand as he turned away. "I thought it was easier for you not to know."

"To know what you really are, who you really are, that's not fair."

The blood rushed to your face, your fangs coming out. "This isn't who I really am."

He sighed, starting to turn around again. "Please don't."

"How do I know you want lie to me again?"

You took his face in your hands, meeting his eyes. "I promise I will not ever lie to you again, Stiles."

He inspected my face for a little while longer before smiling. "I believe you."

He leaned down and kissed you softly, wrapping his arms around your waist, pulling you closer.

"I love you too." You laughed against his neck. 

Dylan O'Brien Imagines (Book Four)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum