Stop// Stiles

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Stiles could not leave the problem alone.

He either had his phone in his hand or typing away on his laptop.

You always said that problems had a way of working themselves out, but Stiles, he had to have the solution himself. He had to fix everything himself.

You two were already twenty minutes late for school, the Sheriff was already at work, and you were the only person that was left to get Stiles to school.

"Some of us actually need to learn, Stilinski," you said, pulling at the back of his chair. "Unless you want to homeschool me."

"Yeah, sure."

"Are you even listening to me?" I asked.


"I'm having sex with Theo."


You smirked. "And I'm pregnant with his triplets."

"Sounds good," he said, ignoring me. "Wait, what?"

He met your eyes as a small smirk played on your lips. "Maybe you should listen to me more."

"You're what with his what?"

"Maybe if you had listened."

He grabbed your hand. "You're with Theo?"

"No, Stiles, I'm not with Theo, I was joking."

He sighed deeply. "Thank god."

"I don't get why you care, you can't even listen to me for more than five minutes."

"I listen to you," he said softly. "I listen to every single thing you say."

"Yeah, most of the time."

He frowned, looking down at his feet.

"That really bothers you, doesn't it?" 

"Theo's kind of an asshole."

"Yeah, so are you." You said, turning away from him.

He grabbed your arm, spinning you around. You opened your mouth to say something but he cut you off, his lips pressing against yours.

He pulled back, his eyes still closed as he let out a breath, his shoulders falling. He opened his eyes, searching your face for signs of rejection.

"I don't want you to get with Theo."

You smiled softly. "I would never."

You both laughed, kissing again.

Dylan O'Brien Imagines (Book Four)Where stories live. Discover now