"You know what I'm talking about." Za sighed. "This is that same thing you went through with Hailey. You wanted her, got sprung over her, then you got bored with her when she started to like you back, and you dropped her. Why do you think she is the way she is now?"

"Ashton is different from Hailey, Za. You know this." I snapped.

"Same fucking thing you said when you compared Yovanna to Hailey. Look man, I love you, and I fuck with Ashton, so I don't wanna see you do any stupid shit with her, or even play her the same way you did Hailey." He stood up and stretched before walking towards the door. "I gotta piss, so talk shit about me when I head out."

As soon as the door closed I looked over at Khalil who was avoiding eye contact with me. "What do you have to say about this?"

"I didn't wanna say it, but Za has a point, Justin." Khalil eased into the conversation and I rolled my eyes.

"Hear me out, okay?" He held up his hands. "I'm seeing both sides. Yep, you love Ashton and she loves you; that's obvious. And you don't wanna hurt her or lose her... also obvious on your behalf. But, from where Za is coming from; we've seen this before with Hailey... same exact thing."


"The fuck do you mean how?!" Khalil laughed. "After you got fucked over by Selena, you were going back and forth between women and Yovanna appeared. Fucked your life up again. So you went to the next girl who was always there for you, who was Hailey." Khalil said in a matter-of-fact tone. "Hailey only wanted you as a friend. Then you did whatever the hell it is that you do to these girls, and she caught feelings for you. She was there twenty four-seven, you sweet talked her, spoiled her, and made her feel like no one could take her spot; and I mean you gave her a reason to think that no one could... then you got tired of it and got bored. Left the girl without a reason, and you wonder why she's pissed."

I registered everything that he was telling me, but there was one main point missing from the receipts he pulled out, "I never told her that we were dating officially."

"You didn't have to, dumbass!" He yelled "Your actions towards her pretty much sealed the deal and everyone knew it!" He dropped his phone into his lap.

"Look, I don't wanna keep talking about Hailey; but know that what me and Ashton have is really different. I can't afford to let her slip that easily." I rested my head against the arm of the couch.

"I hope that you're about to be ready for some drama coming your way." Za entered back into the room glancing at his phone.

"Why would I be?"

"Ashton is working the Jeremy Scott fashion show right?"

I looked back at the previous texts that she sent me stating that she was and nodded my head. "Yeah, why?"

"Hailey is opening and closing that show, according to what Atifa told me."

Fucking hell.

"I mean, you don't have anything to worry about. Right?" Khalil smirked at me before taking a call from Lauren for the eighth time today.

"Fuck you, I'll be back." I nudged his shoulder and grabbed my phone, leaving out of the game room, heading to the living room to call Scooter.

don't | justin  *postponed*Where stories live. Discover now