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Hello, new reader, my name is Anastasia Steele, but Ana for short. I'm 13-years-old but will be 14 in a few months. My mother Carla recently found herself a new man and they are now engaged for five months and by the looks of it mom and her new fiancé Steven Cullen will get married in a couple of months and I will be her flower girl again. I'm being measured for my flower girl dress and it's already so itchy that I know I am going to hate this damn dress. We will be moving to Detroit in two weeks. Steven just got a new job at a great new architect company that erects new skyscrapers in the city. He is an average okay guy; he is after all the one mom wants.

I have mom on a fairly good schedule. She usually gets something in her head and goes overboard on her so-called business venture. So it forces me to go out and get a part-time yucky job at a restaurant or a clothing store to get something extra so we can keep things going in the house. It's not much, $300 dollars a month for a 13-year-old is a lot a money but looking after two people with it, it's not much. Before mom met Steven we struggled a bit. Mom couldn't find a good-paying job. And I only got my $500 a month until we moved to Vegas. Now I have to start all over again since we moved to Detroit. I just drop off mom and Steven's dry-cleaning at the store and walked to the mall nearby. I asked a couple of restaurants if they need any busboy's positions filled and two of the eleven restaurants I went to gave me jobs so I would work two days a week at each of the restaurants getting $300 a month.

With a huge smile on my face, I head home to fill in my new school application to give in tomorrow at my new school. I'm starting high school this year and I have been looking forward to high school all my life. I pass the stationary slash bookstore on my way out of the mall and I got myself a bunch of new school books and three new books to read and they are classic by Jane Austin and Thomas Hardy. I head home and the heat of the last days of summer is getting to me so I walk from shade to shade. I turn the corner on our street when my eye caught a bunch of kids in the street playing street hockey.

I just watch them as I pass. On the other side of the street is a boy walking with his hands in his pant pockets looking like a really bad boy with his black leather jacket on in this summer heat. He looked over at me and he double-takes when he looked at me. His amazing gray eyes and copper color hair with his perfectly full lips and straight nose make's him gorgeous. I smiled shyly at him and walked up to my house. I open the white picket fens door and step inside. He kept staring at me from across the street. I waved at him shyly then he got such a goofy grin on his face. Being in the bad habit of biting my bottom lip when I'm nerves I finally head inside.

'Mama. I'm home.' I called as I walked through the front door.

'How did the job hunting go?' She asked whipping her hands on a tea towel as she was busy cooking something in the kitchen. It smells great, unlike her other cooking adventures.

'I found two bus-boy jobs. I work two days a week at each.'

'Oh, honey I am so proud of you.'

'Thanks, mama. What are you cooking? Smells great.'

'My grilled chicken and fries.'

'Yummy.' Mama smiled at me and I gave her a quick kiss on her cheek. 'I handed in your dry-cleaning this afternoon they say it will be ready by Wednesday at noon. Don't forget to pick it up, mama.'

'Okay honey. I won't forget.' She said and turn back to the cooking food. 'See I'm writing it down on the calendar.'

'Good. I'll be in my room getting my things ready for school tomorrow.' I took the stairs two at a time to my sunny new room and started to fill in my school application and got my school bag ready with the books I got. I covered them in new pretty book covers and packed them in my bag as I finish up. I wrote on a few neon green post-it's as a reminder for mom's dry-cleaning just in case she forgets it. Steven got home from the construction site where he helps oversees his bosses building plans. He is so full of dust. We all sat down and ate dinner, it was great better than mom's dinner from last night when she tried to make homemade Chinese and it was a disaster. It cost Steven a drive back to town to get us pizzas.

After dinner, I got in a shower then went to bed lying under the ceiling fan that's on. It's the only way you can sleep in this heat. I lay in the dark listening to mom and Steven laugh downstairs. It is nice hearing mom laugh. I still don't get it why she divorced Ray. Ray the man I see as my father. My own father passed away in the war when I was just a few weeks old. Mom always says I look just like him. She showed me pictures of him yet I don't see any resemblance of him in me besides my blue eyes I got from him. Thinking back to that gorgeous boy I saw earlier, I wonder if he is in my new school. He was really cute and with that thought, I finally drift off to sleep.

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