Chapter 1 ~ Rainbow Goodness

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~A m b e r ~

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~A m b e r ~

"Okay okay what about this?!" Janette exclaimed and I glanced over to see her holding up Geostorm. "Sure, I don't really care. As long as it's not horror. You know how horror and I mix." She chuckled and bobbed her head "Yeah yeah I know. I'll never forget that Hush incident." I rolled my eyes but still smiled "I swear I saw somebody outside!" She laughed and clicked on the movie. "Sure Amber. Sure."

Sighing, not wanting to debate this again, I leaned back on the headboard of the bed and grabbed my bowl of Skittles. "Do you really need that many skittles?" Janette asked with a smirk and I shot her a glare "Yes. Jan. Yes. I do need this many skittles." Janette laughed "But that's like 10,000!" Shooting her another deadly look and grumbled "There's only 500." Then I stuffed a handful of rainbow goodness in my mouth.

The movie began and my bowl was already half empty, I groaned and Janette paused the movie "You're already almost out?! Geez Amber slow down!" I chuckled and got up as she slumped in her seat "We're never gonna get through this movie tonight." She grumbled. I just smiled a little more and rolled my eyes, then walked to the kitchen.

I stuck a bag of unpopped popcorn into the microwave, Janette's favorite, then I went to the fridge to get some juice but the phone rang "I got it!" I yelled to Janette, who probably didn't even think about getting up in the first place. Chuckling I searched for a phone.

"Hello?" I said through the line as I headed back toward the kitchen, already hearing the popcorn begin to pop.

"Hey sweetie!" I heard my dad's voice on the other side. I smiled a little more.

"Hey Dad! How are you?"

"Good! Great, actually!" I could hear his smile.

"Oh really? Why?" I couldn't keep my own smile off my face.

"Because tomorrow I have a big meeting with our newest investor! He own's a huge company worth billions, sweetie! Billions!" Dad loved updating me on the family company news, and I loved hearing about it.

I laughed "That's great Dad! What's the company name?"

"Erm..." I could practically hear dad pulling at his ear, he did that when he got nervous or was hiding something. Weird, I know. Luckily he didn't pass that down. I got my mom's traits, an impenetrable poker face when I needed one, rather than having a tell.

"Dad?" I sterned my voice, also something mom taught me how to do.

"Okay okay! It's... Rinked to the Brink."

I froze, my step almost faltering. "Rinked to the Brink, as in Jerry Rink's company? Your rival? Dad how do you know they won't invest just to pull their money when you need it most?! They are our competition after all!"

Dad groaned "That's just what your mother would've said, this is why I didn't want to tell you!"

I laughed a little at that. "But Dad seriously, do you really think this is the best decision? What if they're just investing because the company is at the best it's ever been?"

Dad groaned again "I know Amber, but I can't deny their offer, it'd be too big of a miss."

"Dad!" I sighed "The company is fine right now. Without their money. Don't trust the other side. Never trust the other side. They are the OTHER side for a reason."

Dad laughed "You're making it sound like we're the Jedi and they're the Sith, it's business not war sweetie."

My poker face fell into place as I felt my voice harden "business is war Dad. And all is fair in love and war. Just think about it."

Then I immediately hung up, not wanting to have that discussion with him right any longer.


That must be the popcorn!


Hey guys!

I know you might be wondering what happened to my other book, I decided to change the theme, but don't worry this is still romance! I just changed the story line, charaters, and title!


Anywayyyyy.... I hope you enjoy this new book just as much or more than my first one! I like this one more, I feel like I can do more with it! Also, yes my chapters will always be this short but now I can update more often and with better quality without getting tired. Also, because it is so short I want to reach 100 chapters in this book, but I don't know how fast things will move in the plot so it might be a little more or less!

Do you think Rinked to the Brink is going to ruin their family company?

And of course please vote, comment, and share!

Thanks guys!


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