Chapter 27: Four Weeks

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Time passed in an odd way over the next four weeks. I stopped going to classes, Stein signing me off on them. He only asked once why, and I had started crying and told him everything that Mari had. I felt guilty that Mari had done all this for me to have the perfect life, while she'd been suffering for...

I looked up at the ceiling, pushing everything from my mind. The last weeks had been spent in my room, not seeing anyone except Tsubaki, who practically forced herself in after five days. When she discovered I hadn't eaten anything, only been drinking water, she cooked up a storm in my kitchen and left me with enough food each time to last a week, and then would come back when it was gone. My phone rang off the hook with calls and texts until I let it's battery drain. I didn't plug it back in.

I had spent the solitary time going through each and every lifetime. Every single one I went through the more everything came together and started making what little sense I could of it all. I loved several different people in a few of the lifetimes where I wasn't even in Death City. But when I was, I always ended loving the same person... he was... I closed my eyes. I was on the last lifetime. To clear everything up. Then I'd know.

I opened my eyes, tears flowing down my cheeks like usual when I went through a lifetime. But this one... I had loved him for a long time after even we graduated. And then something happened with Arachne. All our friends were killed. We'd been in our twenties or so, by the amount of time I could just that went by while speeding through the memories. I wiped my eyes off, letting out a breath. We'd seen them all die, Mari and I, and I'd held him in my arms while he bled out and I could do nothing. The magic that I had had in the timeline had been useless.

I stood from the bed, everything clear in my mind now. I had the memories of almost fifty lifetimes in my mind. I wasn't sure how I hadn't gone mad at this point. Maybe the time spent going through all of them over the past four weeks. Had it really been almost a month? I cleared my throat, the rawness of it not having been used for weeks was eminent. I looked down at my phone dead on my bedside table. I reached down and plugged it in, the screen lighting up. I waited until it turned on, all the notifications for calls I'd missed popping up. At this point I may as well reset my phone with the amount of things I'd have to go through. It was five-thirty in the evening. I went to the shower, my hair matter and sticking up in all the wrong directions.

The water was cold at first, my skin feeling like it was an inch thick with the grime of weeks. Had I showered? I couldn't remember because I'd been so lost in the memories that were so real. I could've showered in a memory, and though I'd showered in real life, or vice versa. The four weeks had been surreal like I was watching a movie play out at a speed that only I could process.

I scrubbed my hair. Maybe I'd cut it. I looked around in the shower, suddenly realizing that I didn't know where Skye was. I let out a breath as I recalled James coming and picking him up after two days. I let out a breath. I finished my shower and got out, brushing my teeth and feeling like a normal person again. Clean.

I got dressed, putting on something that I liked; some pale jeans and a yellow sweater that fell off my shoulder. I looked at myself in the mirror, my hair still a little wet. I went to the bathroom and used my hairdryer that Maka had gotten me forever ago to rid the moisture from my (h/c) strands. It had grown a little longer. I thought about a haircut for the second time. I looked at myself again, running my hands through my hair and feeling a lot better. I leaned in toward the mirror, pulling the makeup I didn't really know how to use but Liz had gotten it all for me so I'd been trying to figure it out. That is, before everything happened. I looked at myself with the light dust of foundation, blush, and other things. It worked. It didn't look bad at all. On the contrary, I looked much different than I had four week ago. Older? More tired? Or was it relaxed?

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