Hello again :)

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Ah okay. Finally. Summer again so I have some more time to update this story. Really sorry about the long break.
On other news, I had about the most stressful finals week I could this semester, and my anxiety was going haywire alllll over the place for no reason. Thanks a ton brain ilyt. I had to get surgery (ooh fun) but it was minor, and found out the other main surgery I have to get is going to be like 5-6 grand. Really happy about that :))))))
Enough complaining. As far as writing goes, I've hit a little bit of a wall from stress, but I'm back on track. I'm re-thinking the storyline for a book I started, and wrote a whole thing for a random idea I want to turn into something. It'll be the whole cliché dystopia "the world outside this community is dying off because of x y and z" but I'm adding some other stuff to it that should be good. Genetic abilities. That kind of stuff. Is anyone is interested, hmu and I'll email it to you :) ➡️ WriterChan@gmail.com ⬅️
Anyway, thank you guys for being patient (once again) and I'll update very soon.

Soul Eater Boys x Reader: Broken (Book Two)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora