Chapter 4: Friends?

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After the class, which, surprisingly, I had found I wasn't completely lost in for some reason, Mari and the different people sitting around me, including Soul, gathered on a small balcony area on the roof of the school. It had grass everywhere, and the sun was high in the sky.

My eyes hurt a little as the bright light hit me so suddenly. I swayed a little, and I felt someone catch my arm as all of the other people continued in front of me. "You okay?" A voice said, and I looked to the side and up to see a boy who was a bit taller than me, and with spiky blue hair. I recognized him from the classroom, and I felt my cheeks heat up a bit.

I nodded, and he steadied me, holding onto my arm maybe a fraction too long. It made my skin crawl a little, the touch of his fingers warm but a little uncomfortable. I smiled a little and looked into his eyes, and I felt as if their dark green color was seeping into me. After a second of us looking into each other's eyes, he let go of my hand, stepping back a little. The feeling that his fingers had cause left me a little, and then he smiled, and warmth filled my chest.

"Black Star." He said, and his smile widened into a grin. "You're blushing. It's because of my awesomeness, isn't it?" He said, and I looked at him blankly, and then he started laughing. "I know, I'm that great." He said, and then walked off toward the other people, his hands resting on the back of his head. His arms were toned like he worked out, and since he went to the academy, I figured that he did. His shoulders were broad and he was a little taller than me.

My cheeks were hot and I could feel them cooling down as I joined the others at a blanket that they had set up on the green grass. They had all taken their shoes off and were now sitting on the quilt, small boxes in their hands wrapped in clothes with pretty designs on them. When they untied them and opened them, I saw that they were lunches.

I could almost feel my stomach rumble as I saw all the good food, moving my arms to hold my stomach. When was the last time I had good food? I thought. I walked to Mari and bent down, my ribs aching with a dull pain and I pulled the string that I figured would unlace the shoes I wore. In wonder, I watched as the bow Mari had made with the thin white laces seemed to weave around itself and through the other laces, twisting each other and come undone.

I moved to the other foot and pulled the same lace like on the other shoe. It did the same thing. I starred in awe for a moment, and then realized that everyone had become silent and were watching me. I pulled my shoes off and moved onto the soft blanket next to Mari.

Mari laughed and ruffled my (h/c) hair. "That was cute." She said, and I looked at my hands resting in my lap. Mari bumped my shoulder with hers. Why was it when she touched me I was okay? Was it because I knew she wouldn't hurt me? I didn't know it for sure that she wouldn't, but she had had that look in her eyes that she had been through something similar. Maybe that was why.

"Don't be embarrassed." She said. Everyone was smiling at me, and I tried to move my lips into something someone might call a smile. I looked up, and my eyes were met by a pair of golden eyes. It was the black haired boy from earlier, and for a split second, I could see a blush rise in his cheeks, and then he looked away. What was that? I thought, and looked back down to my hands.

"You don't have a lunch?" Mari said as she popped something that looked like meat into her mouth with chopsticks. How could I?

She pushed some stuff around in her lunch bento, like one of the girls had called it, and found another piece of meet. She held it out to me, and I hesitantly opened my mouth, accepting it. A burst of flavor exploded in my mouth as I chewed, and when I swallowed, a warmth filled my stomach.

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