Chapter 16: Promises

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I woke up in the morning, my room almost dark because it was around five in the morning. I sat up, stretching. I looked around at my room, a few artifacts of clothing and what-not on the floor. Skye was sprawled out at the foot of the bed, his body much bigger already. His white fur moved up and down as he breathed, his chest rising and then falling.

I reached out and pet him, scratching his belly, he woke up and lifted his head, looking at me. He already resembled an adult, a little smaller, which I was thankful for because I could still manage to pick him up to snuggle him. He stood on the bed, arching his back and yawning, which caused me to yawn, and then he came over and rested his head in my hands.

I looked into his big blue eyes, my thumbs petting his face. It had been a week since I started speaking, and I had found that I liked talking, but I stayed quiet a lot. It was as if I had developed a habit of staying more in the background. The boys had all come to me about two days after I was speaking, and confronted me about the issue. They said that they would like to continue dating me, if it was okay. I had said that I should be the one asking the question, and then we'd gone and gotten ice cream, even though it had been nearly thirty degrees outside.

"Come on, Skye." I said to the dog, and I got out of bed. He jumped out too, his head reaching to about my hip. When had he gotten so big? Huskies grew fast or something? I walked to my closet and pulled out a pair of blue jeans and a belt, sighing. I kind of wished that I could just stay in my pajamas, aka a big t-shirt and my underwear. I pulled the jeans on and fastened the belt, slipping on a pair of socks. I looked through my shirts, glancing at all of them. I reached in and pulled out a long sleeved white one, and pulled it over my head. I looked down at myself and shrugged.

I walked with Skye to the kitchen and opened the fridge, pulling out Skye's food and putting it on the floor. He ate away as I started making my lunch, a simple bento box with rice and extra Indian food from what Tsubaki had brought over when James informed her I wasn't eating very much. It wasn't that I was doing it on purpose, it was just that I forgot, or I was just not hungry, maybe making something, and then just feeding it to Skye as his dinner.

I did eat breakfast and lunch, always small things, but it didn't really matter. I set the lunch bento on the counter and sighed, looking around as Skye finished his food. "Breakfast..." I mumbled to myself, closing my eyes and running a hand on the back of my neck. Skye pawed my leg and I nodded, pulling an orange from the counter and peeled it. I threw the outside away, and started eating the pieces. Skye was sitting, looking up at me, and I peeled a slice off, feeding it to the dog. He chomped it, and I laughed as he chewed, getting him another slice. He'd eat anything.

I went to the door, not bothering to put a leash on Skye. Since my voice had come back, he'd just become more intent on listening to me, and I found that I didn't really need a leash for him anymore. I stuck it in my jackets pocket anyways. There was a crabby old lady who had been yelling at me to put a leash on my dog. I pulled my jacket on, holding onto the ends of my sleeves so they wouldn't roll up in the sleeves of the jacket. The warm fabric of it rested on my shoulders, and I sighed. I leaned down and pulled my converse on, their white material nice.

We walked out of the apartment, no other students awake at this point. I started walking with Skye down the hallway, the two of us almost silent in the quiet of the morning. I always woke up around five in the morning and fed Skye, ate something, made lunch, got dressed, and then spent the rest of the time before school out in death city with Skye.

We got to the front of the school and I shivered a little, the city still almost completely dark. We started walking down the stairs, Skye's white paws going down each step at a time. I wondered how he didn't get dirty all the time, his white coat stark in the mornings darkness. When we got to the bottom of the stairs, I looked at my phone. It was five thirty, the time we always were down the steps. The coffee shops in death city opened early, because of the Academy, and the one that Skye and I usually went to would be open soon.

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