Chapter 2: Healing Hands

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When I woke up, I was in a clean, white room. I couldn't feel any pain, but, then again, I still hadn't moved. I closed my eyes, not realizing that I had opened them. There was total silence, and judging from the slight echoes off the walls that my breathing made, the room was larger than just the place where I was.

I heard a door open, and something in me began to panic. There were footsteps, and the panic grew. I heard the curtain around my bed being pulled back, and then I felt the soul of two people standing next to me. They're scientists and—

"You're awake, (y/n)." A male's familiar voice said, and I opened my eyes, seeing the one that had told me things were going to be okay. He seemed to be checking something, and switched out a full bag of blood for an empty one that had been hanging on a hook next to the bed I was in.

My entire body was numb, and I thought that maybe I couldn't move, even if I had tried. The man was back, and he gestured to the other person, a woman with long, golden hair. "This is Marie. She has a healing wavelength, and she'll make  your ribs heal as much as she can." He said.

The woman came forward, and sat on a chair next to me, I managed to turn my head a little, an odd feeling considering I couldn't feel any of my body, and I looked at her. She smiled at me, and it felt like one of the first Beautiful things that I had seen in—when had I been taken by the scientists? Four—five, Years ago?

The woman seemed to sense some of what I was thinking, or at least my emotions, and she reached a hand out, brushing my cheeks with her fingertips. I felt a strange tingle run down my face to disappear through the drug that must've been running through my body to make it so numb.

"Hey." The woman said. "I'm Marie."

I opened my mouth, trying to form words, but all that escaped my mouth was a dry rasp. When was the last time I had done anything other than scream? I couldn't remember.

Marie just smiled sweetly again. "I'm going to heal you now." She said, her hand resting on my face. "Don't be scared." She said. She pulled the covers of the bed down a little and rested her hands on the lower part of my rib cage, nothing but a thin piece of fabric and skin separating her form my shattered thorax.

I felt an odd sensation begin to move through my body, and I shivered a little as it grew more and more hot, stopping just before the point of pain. I looked at Marie, seeing the slight glow in her eyes, telling me that the warm feeling must have been her soul's wavelength. It was rare for a weapon to have a wavelength like this, but, if she was one of the legendary Death Scythes, that might be the reason.

There was a final moment of heat, and then it was gone. I looked up at the two adults, questioning them. Marie nodded, and the man, Stein, said, "Try breathing."

I wasn't sure at first, but then I took in a breath, and then another, and another until I was gasping in great gulps of air. I smiled and huffed a little, the feeling of almost all the pain gone a blessing.

Stein came forward and offered to help me sit up. He did so, and I swung my legs out of the bed a moment later, trying to stand. For a split second, I felt amazing, as if I was on top of the world itself, and then my legs gave out and I fell to the floor.

Stein caught me before I hit the cold linoleum, and set me back onto the bed. "Don't try to stand for another few hours. The different pain killers and such are still warring off." He said, and I nodded. I wasn't sure even after all the drugs wore off that id be able to stand. I hadn't done anything proper with or to take care of my body for the past...

I couldn't remember now. It was as if a piece of my memories had been ripped away. Wasn't I thinking about it just yesterday? I felt a moment of uneasiness, looking up at the tall man and golden-haired woman. The woman smiled, and it felt as if something warm washed over me. It can wait.

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