Chapter 8: Lesser Dog

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Hello~ It's been a few weeks (sorry) I've been quite busy. Apologies. Apologies. But I got a nice long part for all of you. Like six pages in Microsoft words... oops. 

Anyway. I hope all of you enjoy, and btw, you guys should follow one of my instagrams (@pierce.the.julian @k.a.n.e.k.i_k.u.n @pastelxbands

ye. Anyway. yeah. Enjoy~!

"(Y/n)... (Y/n)..." A voice was saying my name repeatedly, and I turned over, somehow finding the cold stone floors comfortable. But there was warmth over my shoulders, and, somehow, that seemed to be enough. "(Y/n)." the voice said, and I reluctantly opened my eyes and looked up to where the voice was coming from.

My eyes were met by bright sunlight in the halls of the DWMA, and I sat up, remembered slowly what had happened. I looked up to where the voice had been coming from, and I saw Professor Stein. He was looking at me from his full height, and, to me, this seemed very tall, not only because I was sitting on the ground.

He stuck his hands in his pockets, only to pull one of them out a moment later to adjust his cigarette. "You seemed to have fallen asleep in the halls last night." He said, returning his hand back to his pocket. "Did you not get a room? I can show you—" he said, but I shook my head.

I searched my pockets, finding the key in one of jean's pockets. I had left my jacket in my new room, but I noticed the clean, nice, black suit-ish looking jacket around my shoulders. I wondered who's it was?

I lifted the key to show Stein that I had a room, and he nodded. "Okay." He said. He sifted, moving his weight to one foot, and then the other, and then he looked down at me in the eyes. "I suppose you came to see Mari?" he asked, and I nodded, feeling a little uncomfortable under his gaze.

I pushed myself up from the ground, holding the jacket over my arm. "She's in here." Stein said, and opened the infirmary door, holding it open for me. I walked in quickly, and looked around, seeing the all too familiar white curtains and beds. Stein led to me to one of the beds, and pulled back the curtain.

I saw Mari sitting on the bed, a phone to her ear. She seemed to be arguing with someone, and I could faintly hear the voice on the other side and it sounded like a woman. Mari looked annoyed, like she was having the same dispute that she had a lot.

She looked up at Stein, and mouthed the words, 'Why did you have to call her?' I looked up at Stein and he had an amused. He shrugged, and Mari a little noise of frustration. "Karen! Goodbye!" she said, and shut off the call before the woman on the other side could say anything else.

Mari glared at Stein, the sight smile on his face telling me that he had probably done whatever Mari was mad about on purpose to get a rise out of her "What?" He said, shrugging his shoulders and walking to a counter a few feet from Mari's bed. "You don't call her enough." He said.

Mari huffed in exasperation, setting her phone roughly on the table next to her bed. "Yeah, but I'm fine." She said. She seemed to notice me, and a smile broke out over her face. "(Y/n)! Get over here!" she said.

I walked to Mari, looking at the ground in shame. She tugged on my arm and I sat on the bed next to her. She looked fine, sitting in her usual black jeans and shirt. "What's wrong?" she asked, tugging on my cheek. I shrugged, guilt overcoming me. "Aw (Y/n). It wasn't your fault. You didn't know. Neither did James." She said. She pushed playfully on my shoulder, and I smiled, the shame fading, a little. "I'm just good at hiding things." She laughed.

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