1: Roof Hopping

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I could feel a cascade of wind rush over me, cooling down my sweaty body.

The roof tiles beneath my feet creaked and dared to move every time my feet planted onto them. I tumbled in the air doing an aerial to avoid the chimney standing in my way.

The black clothes I wore cloaked me from the city making me look like I was one with the night sky.

My heart battered against my chest like a pure maniac; my breath being heavy and desiring for air.

My feet slowed and was dragged to a stop.

I decided to take a seat on the roof with the curves of the roof being very uncomfortable.

I looked ahead of me and saw the ineffable sight of the city laid out before me.

The darkness wrapped around the city like a blanket with the flickering of city lights looking like fireflies lighting up the dark.

The skyscrapers raised towards the sky hoping to one day reach the stars though it will never happen.

The gentle swaying of the trees added to the calmness surrounding the silent night, the birds adding a sweet lullaby to lurch people away off to sleep.

I breathed in the sweet fresh air that belonged to the pleasant environment, savoring every breath.

It's then that the atmosphere of serenity was interrupted by the ringing of my phone. Annoyed, I read the caller ID and saw
"Mom 💖"

I answered the call.

I had to keep my phone arms length away from my face because of my mothers deafening screeching.

Once she finished, I replied.
"I'm taking a stroll through the night, duh."
"Mom, you know I couldn't resist such a beautiful scenery. It's in my nature."
"*sigh* Fine, but at least be home by 10 okay? You know I worry about you nonstop."
"I understand mom, love you. Bye!"
"Bye sweetie, love you too!"

With that I ended the call, relief gushing through my body.

"*sigh* At least she understood."

I got up from my spot and was ready to go home. Keyword is was. Of course, something decided to distract me.

I could see a shadow of a figure in an alley way seeming to covertly sneak into a building.

I didn't think anything about it at first until I heard screaming. My ears perked up and I decided to sneak into the building as furtive as I could.

I hid behind a chimney and when I looked over, I could see two buff guys guarding the entrance looking as shady as ever.

I decided to hop onto the roof in front of me which is facing the guards back, therefore I could easily sneak up on them from behind.

Quietly, I got off the roof and landed on the balcony; I then saw a pipe that was connecting to the opposite building that was in arms length.

I then grabbed the pipe and pulled myself onto the opposite building's balcony. My feet landed on the surface without a noise.

I pulled up my hoodie and tucked my hair into the back of hoodie. I then pulled myself up onto the roof of the building and saw the guards looking ahead.

So I can't kill them.. ugh, that's boring. Guess I'm gonna knock them out.

While I was contemplating on how I should knock them out, I suddenly heard a door creak open.

I peaked over the roof and the light illuminated a unfamiliar male. He was fairly tall, I guess, he was also thin but not like bony thin, he had a toned body, and had hair that looked like the color of coal.

I then heard his low yet high voice, I don't know how that works but yeah.
"You two, put this girl in a cellar."

What? Cellar?

"Yes, sir."
The guards then bowed at the male and took the poor girl into the opposite building. I'm guessing to the cellar.

I studied the male more and I concluded he was probably the boss or something. When the guards were out of sight, I could see him look to his right and to his left seeming to check if anyone was looking.

Then he did something that scared me out of my wits. He then changed into a bat and started to fly upwards.

Afraid he might see me, I quickly ran to the chimney and hopped into it, holding the edge so I won't fall in. I then looked upwards and saw the small animal fly into the abyss of the night.

I could feel my breath become heavy and my whole body was filled with both fear and confusion.

What the hell!? What is that? Or what is he?

I then lifted myself up onto the edge of the chimney and went to the edge of the roof. I gazed at the now closed door and pondered whether I should enter or not.

You know what, screw it.

I jumped down from the roof and my feet landed onto the concrete with a thump. I then looked to my left and right to see if there was anyone watching when I concluded no one was there, I swiftly entered the building.

-End of Chapter One-

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