02: Little Snoopin

Start from the beginning

Then he extended his arm outwards giving me the paper. "Give this to the owner of Fatal Moon Campus and he should be able to make the room available." He explained as I snatched the piece of paper.

"Alright, thank you." I replied while walking out the door. I held the was of cash in my hand since I didn't trust my pockets to hold them for me.

+ + +

So speaking of which, I walked around town and realized that I need some new clothes. Besides that horrid hospital gown, my original clothes were too royal and people could easily pick me out from any crowd. Besides how they were made,  there was an obvious large hole on the front and back with bloodstains. It felt so strange having my stomach exposed, especially with such a scar.

So I headed towards this boutique that said "Ninja Queen" which I guess meant female ninja clothing. As I entered the place was filled with women searching for clothing and cosmetics around the shop.

I wasn't really interested in cosmetics since I was always pampered back at home. The clothing was quite interesting since it was stylish but also flexible and comfortable. Most of the fashionable clothing was already taken by women.

But I've always wanted to wear something else other than the Earth Nation colors. Other than greens and browns I wanted to wear something more than that. Then in the far side of the store I saw one that caught my eye.

It's colors were black and blue, two which go extremely well together. I took it off it's rack and walked over to the mirror. I pressed the clothing against my shoulders and pretended as if I wore it.

"Beautiful fit for a princess like yourself!" I heard someone exclaimed. Then I saw the lady cashier walk over to me with a deceiving smile. "Y'know I've been trying to sell that ever since it was shipped here four months ago! I wonder why no one bought it."

"Maybe because they like dresses and fashion than shorts and function." I replied looking at the lady's eyes.

"Quite true, but since your the only one who bothered the pick that thing off the rack, what about cutting the price down to ¥1000 (Around $10)." She offered while smiling.

"Thank you for that offer." I replied as I took ¥1000 out from my envelope of cash. I gave her the money and soon walked out the store.

As I saw the apartment building in my sights I saw a restaurant right beside it. "Suzy Sushi" was it's name and I did enjoy raw fish wrapped in rice and seaweed, dipped in soy sauce. My mouth started to produce saliva just by staring at the sushi on display.

"Excuse me?" I asked while sitting down at a table. A waiter soon came to me with his dashing smile. He's...pretty? I questioned while looking at him.

"Yes? Would you like to order anything?" He asked with a grin. This guy looked around 17-18 years old. He had black hair and blue eyes. But his smile was smooth and eyes were welcoming.

"Just some jasmine tea for now..." I replied while looking down to the table. I tugged the side of my fancy pajamas and to anyone in this village it would look like a dress.

"Jasmine? Got it!" He jotted down the order on a note pad he carries with him.

Are all restaurants in the city like this? I asked myself while raising an eyebrow. He walked away and told the order to the chefs who were forming sushi as they please.

A couple minutes of waiting and I saw the man come back with a teacup and teapot on a tray he was holding. "Here's the tea m'lady." He grinned while setting it down.

"Thanks." I replied while grinning. I took the teapot and poured the cup full way. Then I took a sip of the tea while staring outside.

It was becoming dusk and the sun was slowly setting. It's been a couple hours since I awoken and it feels so different. I've never been to this world but staying here makes me feel...calming. Also, I'm not wearing shoes, I'm walking around in my bare feet.

After all this pondering, I realized that I was slurping on the remaining contents of the cup. The noise brought me back to my senses as I poured in another cup.

I couldn't see that there was another staring my way. These eyes felt as if set on fire, burning me. I turned around seeing no one but happy chatting customers. The air was tense and I decided not to stay, forgetting about the sushi. I left some money underneath the teapot at my table as I got up and left.

+ + +

As I already checked in with the apartment building owner, she turned out to be very nice and pretty as well. I started looking around my apartment and took my only other pair and clothes and hanged them in my bedroom closet. I would wear the Earth Nation clothes I have at home and wear my ninja hear outside of the apartment.

So I checked the kitchen and every cupboard only to find some bottles of water and an odd snack called "Salted Potato Chips". I've never had chips but I've had baked, steamed and buttered potatoes back at home before. Seeing a snack called "Potato Chip", I thought it mean potatoes the size of a wooden chip.

I teared the bag open and saw not tiny fragment looking potatoes...they were fried potatoes in odd circular shapes and sizes. I took one and stared at it. Fried in oil...thinly sliced too... I observed. Then I finally opened up my mouth and popped one in.

I started chewing and it tasted... addicting. I started having more and more, than a whole bunch after that. They became so addicting, it might've been one of the best foods I've eaten even though I have tasted some of the most exquisite dishes in the Earth Kingdom. 

"How...tasty," I mumbled to particularly no one as I continue to feed myself with this commoner snack. Though I snuck out at night back at home it doesn't mean that I've tried commoner food before.

I decided to try on the outfit I bought today since...well it's my only pair of clothes I bought today. It was a bit loose but I just need to grow out of my short height to fit snugly in it. I adjusted the shorts and the bandage wrapped around my waist. It felt snug and comfy.

Then I dashed over to the mirror in the bathroom, I felt happy with my clothing choices. "Sweet!" I whispered, pumping my fist in the air.

A loud cracking noise made it's way to my ears in a second, slowly I glanced up and saw several cracks and dents on the ceiling. "Darn it..." I mumbled, re-sealing the mess I made just my motioning my fingers.

Maybe it's best if I hide my bending for now... I thought. But looked back at the ceiling. Though it might be harder than I think...

+ + +

Rose's Outfit

Rose's Outfit

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