"Need your help, blondie" The boy explained himself, his eyes fixated on the blond even though it was hard to see in the dark of the night, and now Ron had the feeling that he had a night-vision, like the wolf he resembled

Ron felt a little at unease, "With what?" He asked plainly, hoping it wasn't much he was asking for and the boy replied "Need guns back, you know where the guns are, live here"

"What makes you think I'd help you?"

"You always stare, gawk, watch me, whenever I'm out. Stalker or just boy in love, i don't know"

"It's certainly not the last" Ron said a little too quick, earning him a weird look from the boy but he was back to his smirk quickly.

He didn't like his cocky attitude, and the way he represented himself didn't really help either. Shoulders broad and confident, an unbreakable sureness plastered across his face, as if he knew the blond would agree before even asking

And for the first time that Ron had thought about the scavenger, he didn't really like him all that much anymore. All those sweet, candy-sugary feelings he had felt towards him, got mixed with salt and tasted bitter on his tongue.


Ron looked at the covers of his bed. Trying all he could to resist the boys wish to help him but in the end his own longing beat him and he stood up, slowly.

"That's what I thought" Carl smiled and nodded at himself, and just from this word choice, Ron wanted to sit down and go back to sleep but he already stood to his feet.

The blond eyed the boy for a while, getting used to the darkness until he could see his face clearly in the luminous light of the moon painting the room a blue colour, the same shade of blue the scavengers boy's eye colour was, which shone lurid towards him, with an everlasting will for danger set inside it. And Ron couldn't help but feel seduced to it, in more ways than one.

"Get dressed, will you?" Carl mocked him, his gaze wandering down to the blonds undies, and as it set there, Ron froze from the look in his eye, he looked like he was checking him out.

Ron gulped down his anger and scooted away to his dresser where he ripped out some brown pants,
a 1/4 beige button up with coffee stains on it and over that he threw his denim jacket. While he was getting dressed he could feel Carl's eye biting a glance into his back, watching his every move

"Ready?" Carl asked, a tad of annoyance swung in his voice, when Ron zipped up his pants, walking over to Carl he gave a quick look over his room to make sure he had everything needed, on him.
"Oh Yeah!" He remembered and walked to the window where his beanie lay on the ledge

He draped it over his blond locks while Carl watched him with one side of his upper lip pulled up with disgust

"Something wrong?" Ron asked, awkwardly stroking one hair streak under his beanie.

"I don't know" Carl replied, his face sprinkled with doubt about the blonds look but he didn't say anything, maybe because he was scared that he would change his mind if he did.

Ron turned around and pulled the beanie closer down to his face as if trying to hide himself inward of it "Uh, so, were do you have a plan or something?" He asked, trying to change the subject as he didn't enjoy the negative feedback about himself and Carl seemed to agree not to dwell on it and said "Sorta, saw the fat lady, saw enough" amusement glimmered over his cornea "we go quick, grab everything we need and leave. Simple"

"Alright" Ron walked toward the door but when he noticed that Carl wasn't following he turned around with a quizzed look on his face, eyebrow arising from its resting position "You comin'?"

"We don't go through door, blondie" Carl said, nodding with his head towards the window "We climb down, never snuck out before? You'll wake your parents, silly"

Ron huffed at him "I never had to sneak out, also... it's dangerous"

"Had a better impression of you than a pussy, now it's shattered" Carl joked, mounting over the window ledge before he eased himself on the housetop, shooting a daring smirk at Ron who was still staring down at the depths beyond his window. And just by looking through the nightly landscape, he knew this was going to be a hell of a night.


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