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(Mariella's pov)
10:56am, Mariella's house.

"Wake up Mars!"

I felt somebody shaking me back and forth on the bed as they hovered over me. I jumped up and instantly head butted with Brooke causing her to fall straight back onto the bed.

"Sorry." I said rubbing my head and she copies.

"It's fine, you might wanna check your phone," she smiles.

I frown, then lean over and grab my phone from the night stand.

*1 new notification*
AlissaViolet: Hey are you here to talk?☺️
-3 minutes ago

My eyes return back to Brooke and she has a shocked yet excited smile on her face.

"What does she want?" I ask, "woah, not that I don't mind her texting me, at all, but she wouldn't text me for nothing right?"

"Text her back before I text her for you!" Brooke squeals trying to grab the phone but I swing it away before she could.

Hey are you here to
                                   Yeah hey Alissa
                                       What's up?

Well me and the clout
Gang members have
Seen you have became
Quite big, I think it would
Be good if you came out
To LA maybe we can
Become friends?
                             I'd like that a lot, i
                             Have one problem
Tell me and I'll sort it
Within seconds:)
                       I don't have anywhere
                                         To stay🤷🏼‍♀️
Oh don't be silly you
Can come and stay at
The clout house and
Meet us all!
                             Alright, I'll book a
                                  Flight for..?
Today or tomorrow?
Whenever best for you
                               I'll do tomorrow
                         So I can pack, I'll text
                             You later bitch Xx
Alright, can't wait to see
You hoe;) xxx

Brooke was watching over my shoulder in excitement and when she same the nicknames we gave each other she bursted out laughing.

"I can't believe you are going to LA," She begins to ramble, "An-And you're going to meet Alissa! And Clout gang and many other people, and so much more!"

She starts jumping around on the bed and I laugh, "that's a lot of 'ands'."

"But think of all the possibilities Mars! This could actually be a kick start to your career on social media!" She states, "so right now you have.." She paused to look on her phone, "1.3 Million, I bet the time you start hanging with them you'll gain a couple Million."

"I'm not using them for fame Brooke,
I actually want to get to know them." I huff.

"I know, I know, just enjoy your time with them okay?" I nod and she pulls me into a hug.

-the next day-

I spoke to my mom the previous day and she agreed, she also had to talk to my dad into it but finally he was convinced.

I'm going to be out there for around a month, I guess it will be a good to get my mind off of Ethan, it's not like her cares anyway he would've contacted me by now.

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