Chapter 15 - First Dates

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 ‘Now, you better ring me when you land, okay!’ Nathan told her letting out a little tear. ‘I will of course’ she replied wiping his cheek letting out a tear of her own. ‘Final call for Flight LA1286 to L.A. Your flight is now boarding.’ Came the announcement. ‘Mollie, that’s our call, we’re going to be late if you don’t hurry on!’ Una called. ‘I’ll miss you.’ Sobbed Mollie. ‘I’ll miss you too Molls.’ He said lifting her up into his arms and kissing her. ‘See you in two weeks!’ she called as she was heading towards security.

Mollie had only gone two minutes when her phone beeped. Nathan:

‘I miss you already Molls. The second you left Rachael started crying. She misses her Mummy too. Nath and Rach  :’( xxxxx’

She replied with:

‘Rachael’s not the only one who cried when I left :’( I miss you too babe! I’ll see you soon though! Take care of my baby for me! Love you :* Molls xxxxx’

‘Love you too. :* Nath xxxxx’

‘Alright Molls?’ asked Frankie when she noticed Mollie was crying. ‘It’s only two weeks don’t worry! Nathan’s not going to kill Rachael, he’s a responsible young adult babe! Don’t you worry!’ Frankie reassured her. ‘Yeah. You’re right. He’ll be fine, he knows what he’s doing.’ Mollie smiled.

*2 Days Later (back in London baby!)

There was a knock at Zoey’s front door. Jay. He was taking Zoey out for a date; their first date! He said to dress casual, so she did, black jeans, blue three quarter length tank top that read ‘I’m Wanted’ (cheesy right!) , black waist coat and blue high heels. ‘Hey Jay!’ she exclaimed pulling him in for a hug. ‘What’s in the bag?’ she asked hoping the sneak a peek. ‘Our date!’ he laughed.

He pulled her into the kitchen, and opened the bag.  He pulled out flour, sugar, butter, eggs, milk and buncases; all ingredients to make buns! ‘Are we making buns or something Jay?’ she asked shocked. ‘Yup!’ he replied with a smug look on his face. ‘Great. I’m awesome at baking’ she replied sarcastically. ‘Turn on the oven to 180 degrees’ Jay ordered. She pulled her feet along the ground and did what she was told. Then they measured all the ingredients and started mixing the butter and sugar, until it was white and fluffy. They added the beaten eggs and flour, but when it came to the flour, Zoey decided to pick up a handful and fling it at Jay. ‘FLOUR FIGHT!’ she screamed.

‘Whoo’ she screamed at the began throwing more and more flour until the bag was empty. ‘Oh. Looks like we can’t make the cupcakes anymore then’ she said smiling. ‘I’m sure I’ll find more flour.’ Jay told her searching the cupboard for more flour. ‘There you go!’ he said pulling another packet out from the cupboard. He carefully measured the 200g of flour and folded the dusty stuff into the mixture. ‘VOILA!’ he exclaimed, before placing the tray of cupcakes into the oven.

They headed into separate showers and by the time they were both out, the cupcakes were ready. ‘They look delish’ Jay called pulling them out of the oven. ‘They do!’ Zoey chirped. ‘Definitely are delish’ Zoey nodded in reassurance. ‘Two words’ Jay smiled. ‘Team work.’

‘Okay.  So I’ll text you later, yeah?’ asked Jay going out the door. ‘Please do! replied Zoey. Thanks for the wonderful evening’ she thanked him. ‘No thank you’ he smiled before crashing his lips against hers. ‘Bye!’ she shouted as he walked down the path. ‘WOW’ she thought. ‘He’s an excellent kisser!’

‘Where are you taking me?’ asked Stephanie. ‘Just you wait and see!’ replied Max. She felt something wet rub across her bare leg. ‘MAX! Please don’t tell me you brought me out on the wet grass?’ she sulked. ‘No! of course not!’ he replied kissing her on the cheek.

‘Okay. You can open your eyes.’ He said hopeful. The beach! He brought her to the beach on a winters evening. ‘God was this boy brought up in Spain?’ she mumbled to herself. ‘I thought it might be nice to go for a romantic walk. I know how much you like them!’ he smiled before handing her a rose (flower) a box of roses (the sweets) and a few packets of skittles. ‘How did you know?’ she asked. ‘I phoned a little birdie in Los Angeles for some help, and I must say, she was very helpful!’ he winked.

They walked along the shore line in silence for a half an hour taking in the surroundings. Then they came across a table, surrounded by numerous candles. Then she spotted him. Nathan. He was dressed in a white shirt and black pants. He had a tea towel thrown over his shoulder. ‘Table for two?’ he asked. ‘This way.' Nathan brought out their courses one by one once they had finished the previous evening. It began to get darker, so they decided to call it a night.

‘Thanks for the wonderful evening Max’ she smiled once they reached her front door. ‘Your very welcome. Should we do this again something soon?’ he asked. ‘Definitely’ she smiled. ‘I’ll text you tomorrow’ he called just as he was about to head away. ‘Oh.’ He said remembering.

He ran up the path, knocked on the door and once she answered, planted a soft kiss on her lips. ‘Bye!’ he smiled.

The two weeks Mollie was away flew. They skyped twice a day, texted each other every minute and phoned each other when they were free. ‘I’ve missed you so much!’ Mollie screamed running towards him before jumping into his arms. ‘Oh, I’ve missed you too babes! I’m glad to have you back in my arms!’ he replied kissing her.


One more chapter plus an epilogue to come!

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Rachii! xx 

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