Chapter 10 - Staying With Jay

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‘He’s definitely dead’ assured the coroner.  There were tears around the room. ‘Where are Nathan and Mollie?’ Asked Tom. ‘Out in the van with the baby’ replied Max. ‘I’ll go tell them what has happened.’ He said.

‘Hey Tom’ smiled Nathan holding Rachael’s hand as Mollie cradled her. ‘Nath, there’s been an accident. Michael is dead. We don’t know where Cher is though and we’re not sure who killed him either. We think Cher has escaped and is making her way towards your house. We think she’s after you guys. She knows baby Rachael is gone and now she wants her back.’ He said worriedly. ‘You’re wanted inside.’

As they walked in, there was a choir of Thank Gods she’s safe. All they cared about was Rachael. Everyone had grown very fond of her since her birth, one person in particular. That’s why he killed Michael. He loved Rachael too much to see him get away with only a jail sentence. He didn’t deserve to be able to live after kidnaping a small baby. He obviously had a very negative mind and could do something like that again. He couldn’t tell anyone that he did it, but only Tom knew as Tom saw him. So Tom and Jay are the two suspects, but according to the police, that neither could be arrested for killing him as it was ‘self –defence’, as at the time, Michael had a gun in his hand too, and threatened to shoot.

Anyway, back to the chase. So Cher was among the missing. She was a dangerous woman. She had previously been imprisoned for harassment and arson. Now she had another offensive on her list of accomplishments, kidnap. ‘Okay. We have a unit out looking for her at the moment, and we have a helicopter out there too. She can’t have gone too far. We’ve been watching the warehouse since you alerted us last night, and she only left, before returning once. We think, she was aware of our presence and left the moment we entered the room. We want to keep an eye on you Mollie and Nathan and of course Rachael, so could you stay with one of the boys or something tonight?’ they asked.

‘You guys can stay with me’ offered Jay. ‘After all, I am Rachael’s godfather. Then another officer burst in through the door. ‘Guys. We’ve got Cher. She’s dead. She killed herself.’ He said calmly. There was a sigh of relief around the room, but saying that nobody wanted her to kill herself. She probably knew she would get life imprisonment, and felt it was best if she ended her own life. ‘You can still stay with me if you like guys? I’d like to spend some time with my Goddaughter.’ Jay assured them. ‘That would be great mate’ Nathan said as he patted Jay on the back. ‘Let’s all go home!’ exclaimed Mollie.

They pulled up outside the house and all entered. Nathan pulled his key out of the lock and took Rachael from Mollie. ‘I’ll pack some clothes’ Mollie smiled before going upstairs. Maybe this break at Jay’s house would help him plan everything. He was going to propose to Mollie. He knew they were young, and had only been dating for a little over a year, but they didn’t have to get married straight away. He had talked it through with Mollie’s mum Sue, and she was delighted. He had the whole thing planned out, Jay was going to mind Rachael and Nathan would take Mollie out. He had one problem though; he still hadn’t bought the ring.

He had planned on doing it the evening Rachael was taken, but obviously couldn’t then. He decided that once they had settled in at Jay’s, he would go buy it. He was bringing his sister Jess along too. Jess and his mum Karen had travelled down from Glouster especially for the proposal and were staying with friends down the road as Mollie didn’t have a clue. Everyone was crowded around Nathan and Mollie. She was only gone for two days but they still missed her dearly. The only one who was missing was Kelsey, Tom’s girlfriend. They had spilt up again. A month, after the whole Tom punching Nathan situation they decided that they couldn’t live without each other and got back together, but it obviously didn’t work out, as they had broken up again the previous week. Seeing Nathan with Mollie had made Tom think of how much he really wanted a child.

Then everyone went off in different directions. Siva took Nereesha home, Tom left too, Max took Michelle into the kitchen to tell her about Lorna, and Jay took Vanessa into the spare bedroom to talk about what had happened between them.

*Max and Michelle*

‘Shell, I need to tell you something. I know you are going to be mad, so take a seat. A few months back, the day when we played the 02 in Dublin, we decided to go out after a long tour. Nathan flew back that morning to be with Mollie, so it was just the four of us. We got very drunk and I attended up chatting to this girl called Lorna. Anyway she turned up on Nathan’s doorstep yesterday claiming that he got her pregnant, but actually Michelle, it was me. I got her pregnant. I cheated on you with her.’ He said staring her in the eyes. He could see the tears beginning to form in her eyes, just before they began to creep down her cheek. He moved closer to wipe them when, she declared, ‘It’s over between us Max’ and stormed out of the house.

Nathan came in and comforted Max who was now sobbing on the kitchen floor. ‘I didn’t mean to hurt her. It was a drunken mistake and that’s all. I don’t love Lorna like I do Michelle. I don’t even have feelings for her. Michelle is my everything but now she’s gone. I’ve ruined everything Nath’ he sobbed. ‘Max, everything happens for a reason. Maybe this is just God’s way of showing you that your relationship with her is rock solid. Just let her think things through and she’ll be back. You’ll see’ Nathan assured him.

*Jay and Vanessa*

‘Vanessa. I need to talk to you. Remember that other night, when we, did you know what, am, I didn’t use protection, which means you could possibly be pregnant’ suggested Jay. ‘Oh break it to me gently why don’t you. Why didn’t you tell me the next morning I could have done something about it?’ she roared. ‘You guys had just gotten the news about Up, and then everything with Rachael happened, so I didn’t have the time’ he explained. ‘You didn’t have the time? Didn’t have the time to tell me I could be pregnant. No you should have made time. I had a right to know.’ She shouted before storming off just like Michelle.

*End of Conversation*

‘If people keep storming out, we won’t have a door this time tomorrow’ giggled Mollie coming down  the stairs with a number of bags. Jay emerged from the spare room, his eyes red and puffy, before picking up the bags and putting them in the boot of Mollie’s car. ‘Ready?’ asked Jay. ‘Sure’ Nathan replied lifting Rachael out of the portable cot in living room and out into the car.

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