Chapter 13 - The Beach

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The following morning, Mollie woke up in her own bed, cuddled into Nathan’s chest. She was sure that she didn’t make her own way up the stairs the previous night, and she was sure that she had felt warm hands carry her up the stairs and into bed. She could remember hearing the shuffle of feet move around the room, the banging of the wardrobe door, and his presence beside her in the bed. She looked up to see him still sleeping. Still wrapped in his arms, she took her phone from the bedside locker and to a picture of him sleeping before tweeting it:

@MollieTheSats: ‘What a beautiful sight! I love waking up to this every morning! Pity I won’t be seeing this beautiful face in the flesh for two full weeks! I’ll miss my Rach too of course. :’( xxx’

‘Cheeky’ he whispered, opening his eyes. ‘Did you get a good picture?’ he asked hopeful. ‘Every picture with you in it is more than good, it’s beautiful.’ She told him as she blushed. ‘Oh you flatter me Mollie!’ laughed Nathan kissing her on the cheek.

‘So what do you want to do today babe?’ asked Nathan. ‘Um. It’s bright outside, but not completely sunny, so what if we take Rachael for a walk down the beach with Alfie and Gigi? There shouldn’t be many people there seeing as though it is December!’ Mollie shrugged. ‘That’s the best idea, I’ve heard in days!’ Nathan told her. ‘I’ll get some stuff together you go check on the baby’ Mollie told him.

Mollie emerged in the kitchen ten minutes later to find Nathan making breakfast. ‘Nathan, what are you doing? You can’t cook!’ she told him. ‘I learned for you baby!’ he told her, melting her heart. ‘Oh Nathan that’s so cute’ she smiled putting her arms around his waist, from the back, and putting her chin on his shoulder. ‘Whatcha making baby?’ she asked. ‘Pancakes’ he answered turning around to face her. ‘I’ll miss you baby. I can’t imagine waking up in the morning all alone in bed. I’ll have to wear some extra clothes in bed, ‘cause I’ll be freezing without you!’ he told her.

‘Can you not come with me?’ she asked with puppy dog eyes. ‘I’m afraid not baby’ he told her shaking his head. Nathan turned around and began to spoon the mixture into the hot frying pan. ‘What would you like on your pancakes?’ asked Mollie opening the cupboards. ‘NUTELLA’ he whispered. ‘Good choice babe!’ she answered taking out the jar. Mollie pulled out a sterilised bottle, as well as the tube of formula and prepared a bottle for Rachael. She left the kitchen and returned two minutes later with Rachael on her hip. She handed her over to Nathan, so she should assemble the high chair and once she did so, Nathan carefully placed her in the chair and tied her in. They ate their pancakes, taking turns to feed Rachael her bottle.

Afterwards, they packed up the car, and headed to the beach with Alfie and Gigi. They took the two hour car journey to a beach on the outskirts of London, where they hoped they wouldn’t be noticed. They hoped out of the car, and put leases around the dog’s collars. Mollie carried Rachael on her hip, and held Gigi’s leash, while Nathan kept control of Alfie. Apart from two young girls frolicking around in the sea, the beach was deserted. It brought back memories for Mollie. Her mum used to bring Mollie and her two sisters Laura and Ellen there as a child. She has a picture on her mantelpiece of her and her dad when she was about a year old on that very beach. It was one of the only picture’s Mollie had of her and her dad. Her parents spilt up when she was two, and he moved to Spain a week later. Mollie hadn’t seen her father in 18 years, although her sisters visited him often. Mollie couldn’t face him though. She always blamed herself for him leaving. She had planned on visiting him soon though, because she wanted him to come to her wedding.

Speaking of the wedding, it seemed like the perfect time to bring it up. ‘So, let’s talk about our wedding!’ Mollie chirped. ‘What would you like to talk about babe?’ he asked. ‘Everything! The date, the location, the guests, and the entertainment!’ she laughed. ‘I was thinking maybe the 13th November of 2014?’ he suggested. ‘It’ll be our three year anniversary that day!’ he reminded her. ‘I like the way you think Sykes!’ she laughed nudging him in the stomach. They stood at the edge of the sea, barefooted, letting the water tickle their toes. It was then Mollie noticed something. 

Possibly a little short! Just wanted to add a little suspense! Sorry about the delay with this chapter! I've had a mild case of writer's block! I knew what to write, just not how to phrase everything!

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