Chapter 8 - Pregnant

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This may be a stupid chapter! Sorry. The chapters will get interesting as it progresses!


30 minutes after they rang the police there was a knock at the door. ‘That’ll probably be the night squad. They said they would be around after about half an hour.’ Said Nathan before opening the door. It wasn’t though. It was a tall, blonde, teenage girl. ‘Hi Nathan. I’m pregnant and its yours.’ She dropped a bombshell. Just when Mollie thought that she had been through it all, she finds out that her boyfriend and the father of her child had sleep with someone else and gotten her pregnant. ‘Nathan is this true?’ asked Mollie. They were all alone in the house as everyone had just left. ‘I’ve never seen her before in my life Mollie. I swear to you, I wouldn’t cheat on you or baby Rachael. You know I love you both too much to do that’ he said staring deeply into her eyes.

Mollie knew Nathan was telling the truth. Whenever he was lying he would look away to the left and chew on his bottom lip. He wasn’t doing that this time. He was staring Mollie straight into the eyes and she could see the tears forming on the edge of his eyes. The tears followed one by one, but Mollie dried his cheeks with her thumbs. ‘I believe you Nathan.’ She whispered before kissing him softly on the forehead.

‘Um. Hello. I’m still here.’ Came the voice of the mystery lady at the door. ‘Yeah. We know. Come in and explain.’ Instructed Mollie. She took a seat right beside Mollie and Nathan on the sofa. ‘I know this is a bad time for you too at the moment. I heard what happened with Rachael this morning and I’m sorry for you both. It must take someone with a really negative mind the steal a three month old baby. Anyway, my story. I can remember the night well. I was in Crystal Nightclub in Dublin with my friends, celebrating my birthday. It was the 13th of March. We all decided to plan a girly trip to Dublin as none of us had ever been. It was nearing midnight when I saw them. The Wanted. So we all got drunk, I flirted with Nathan and then this happened. I’ve been looking for you since I foun-‘ she was cut off by Mollie. ‘That’s a lie. You definitely didn’t sleep with Nathan. I know for a fact that you didn’t sleep with Nathan. Una gave birth to baby Aoife Belle on March 13th in London. I stayed with her that night and so did Nathan. There is no way you slept with Nathan. You may have slept with a member of The Wanted, but it wasn’t my Nath.’ She informed her. She was just about to reply when there was another knock at the door.

Max. ‘Hey Max.’ answered Nathan as he opened the door. ‘Hey guy-‘ he stopped. ‘Lorna what are you doing here?’ he asked. ‘Oh I see’ he quickly said after noticing why she really was here. ‘I thought I told you that I didn’t want anything to do with you or the baby. I paid you and said not to say it to anyone. ‘ he shouted. ‘Yeah. I know Max. Our baby deserves a father and since you’re not going to be around, I’ve got to find someone else who can act like a father to our baby.’ She answered. Mollie and Nathan were in complete shock. Max had cheated on Michelle with Lorna, gotten her pregnant before paying her not to tell anyone, but then she decides to say that she had slept with another member. It’s like something out of the movies.

‘Where are the police?’ asked Nathan. ‘Our daughter is with some lunatic but the police don’t care.’ Nathan asked. This Lorna situation had taken both his and Mollie’s mind off Rachael. That’s when it all began to hit home for Mollie, it hit home big time.  ‘We’re never going to get her back Nathan. They’re going to keep her otherwise they will kill her along with me and baby Aoife. They’re watching me Nathan. I can feel them watching me. They’ve probably been doing it for weeks, through windows, hiding in bushes, following us everywhere. They’ve had this planned for ages and now they’ve done it. We’ll never see her again.’ She sobbed. ‘No Mollie don’t say that. We will find her I promise. I’ll get her back even if it’s the last thing I do. We’ll have her back this time tomorrow night. You’ll be putting her back to sleep in 24 hours time after she wakes up crying for you.’ He assured her pulling her in close to him. ‘Babe’s stop crying. I’m here. The police will be here soon, but more importantly Rachael will be here soon too.’

That’s when the police arrived. ‘So you’ve had a letter delivered to you Mr. Sykes, is that correct? I believe it may give us the address of your daughter?’ the police woman asked. ‘Yeah. This was put through the letter box about half an hour ago. Max was here at the time. I think he was the one who found it. ‘ Nathan explained. ‘Um yeah. It was me.’ He replied. Max had spent to whole time staring Lorna up and down. Now that Nathan and Mollie knew everything, he had to tell Michelle. His life was over. He knew that if Michelle found out, she would call off the wedding and break the relationship up. He couldn’t think of that right now though. He had to help his best friend find his missing daughter.

‘Lorna please can you call me later. We have bigger fish to fry that you at the moment.’ Max blurted. She had intended on storming out the front door, but with her being nine months pregnant that was a bit hard and instead waddled out the door. ‘Okay. There is nothing we can do at this hour of the night, but in the morning, we want all of you, that includes all of your bandmates, at the police station here in Fulham dressed in black. We’ll get her back tomorrow. I promise.’ The police woman assured them. 


So, will they get Rach back?

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