Chapter 6 - 24 Hours

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Mollie burst in through the studio door in tears. ‘Nathan’ she wailed. ‘Come here baby. Everything is fine. They’ll find her.’ He soothed her pulling her into his arms. Various memories flashed into their heads from the last three months, their first tweet about Rachael; @NathanTheWanted: ‘#TWFanmily please meet the youngest member of the #TWFanmily and the Sykes clan, baby Rachael Grace Sykes! J xx’, Rachael’s first bottle feed, her first Christmas, the first time she smiled, the first time she clasped her hands and the first time she made eye contact with her parents. They couldn’t bear to think that they may not see her do any of that every again.

‘Is it too early to call the police?’ asked Max. ‘Tom! You lazy lump. Get up! We need your help. Baby Rachael Grace has gone missing. Call the police’ Siva shouted. ‘I’m up. I’m up. I love you Kelsey. Rachael, I love you like my own daughter. One day, when Nathan’s not looking, I’ll kidnap you and bring you somewhere safe, just you, me and my Kelsey. I promise you’ he said, still half asleep. ‘Tom. That’s not funny’ Jay shouted kicking him in the stomach waking him up. ‘Uh mate. What was that for?’ he asked in his thick Bolton accent. ‘Tom, Rachael’s been kidnapped. We need to find her.’ Nathan explained. ‘Oh shit. I’m sorry. I didn’t mean everything I just said. I was half asleep and I’m still hung over from last night.’ He apologised.

Then Una burst through the door. ‘Hey guys! Any update on Rachael? Have ye found her yet?’ she asked cuddling baby Aoife. Mollie was jealous of Una. Una didn’t care about Aoife. She partied more now, than she ever did, she left Aoife in the care of Mollie and Nathan and left her crying at night. She was always complaining about how Aoife never slept and neither did she, she rarely fed her when she was hungry and only changed her nappies every 5 to 6 hours. Mollie and Nathan were better parents to Aoife than Una and Ben ever were, yet it’s baby Rachael who was taken.

‘No. No update Una.’ Replied Nathan rather sombre. ‘Guys, have you seen Sky News?’ asked Rochelle. ‘Rachael is the main headline.’ They turned on the news to see what Rochelle was saying was true. ‘Rachael Grace Sykes taken from West London studio, while dad Nathan records vocals for upcoming album’. ‘But how do they know already? She’s only gone an hour.’ Mollie asked. ‘Vanessa kinda posted it on Twitter when you rushed over here. She only wanted the best for Rachael. She did it without thinking.’ Explained Rochelle. Mollie fell back into Nathan’s arms. ‘We don’t even know if she has actually been taken.’ Cried Mollie.

Tom informed the police who were soon at the studio.  They said that there was nothing they could do as it was still early days. All they could do was wait around until one full day had passed since she went missing. They returned home to a house full of baby clothes, bottles, packets of nappies and toys all over the place. ‘I can’t just wait around for her to turn up Nathan. I need to go out and look for her. We’re no good just sitting around here twiddling our thumbs.’ She sobbed. All they did all night was watch the tv cuddle up on the couch waiting for the phone to ring.

Despite their reservations, their band mates still went out to celebrate The Saturdays no.1 selling single in America and the new documentary, but did return home early. When they arrived in at 10pm, Mollie and Nathan were cuddled up asleep on the sofa. Siva came in and pulled a blanket up over them, but he woke Nathan. ‘Hey Nath. Any update on Rachael?’ he asked. ‘No. Nothing. We just sat here the whole time watching the movie and we heard nothing. Our parents aren’t even interested. They think she’ll just turn up on the door step any minute now, but we know she won’t. We won’t get her back without a fight and I don’t even think Mollie’s up for a fight. She’s really weak at the moment. The whole situation has taken everything out of her. On top of all that, she’s been flying back and forth to America and hasn’t slept properly the last few nights because of Rachael. Rachael hasn’t been sleeping well over the last few days.’ He replied before tearing up. ‘Nath. She’ll be okay. Don’t you worry. I bet Mollie’s sister Laura visited from Liverpool, decided to take Rachael off somewhere and forgot to tell you. There is going to be some explanation for it. She’ll be back in your arms tomorrow night Nathan, you’ll see.’ Frankie assured him, putting her arm around him. ‘I’ll carry Mollie up to bed. She’ll be a lot more comfortable up there and she can get a proper night sleep.’ He said. ‘Goodnight folks. You know where the spare rooms and blankets are if you need them.’ He let out a small smile before carrying Mollie bridal style up the stairs.

‘Vanessa, can I talk to you for a minute?’ asked Jay. ‘Sure!’ replied Vanessa, but they couldn’t talk because there was a black envelope dropped in the letter box addressed to Mollie and Nathan. ‘NATHAN! MOLLIE!’ Vanessa shouted up the stairs. ‘There’s a delivery here for you guys’. Nathan and a very sleepy Mollie rushed down the stairs to see what it was. The opened the envelope to see a rather unprofessional note. ‘Bring Rachael’s stuff to 12 George’s Street, Fulham before 10pm (24 hours time) tomorrow night, or Rachael, Mollie and Aoife all get the knife. Otherwise, Rachael is ours. FOREVER.’ Attached was a picture of Rachael in a baby grow which read ‘I <3 Daddy’. ‘Come here Molls. We’ll get her back. I’m not going to lose both of you. We are meant to be together. We will spend the rest of our lives together with baby Rachael. We just need to play them at their own game Molls. We’ll have her back here this time tomorrow night. You’ll see.’ Nathan reassured her. 


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