Chapter 16 - The Final Chapter

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  • इन्हें समर्पित: ZoeyTowle

Butterflies, butterflies..we were meant to fly,

You and I, you and I..colours in the sky,

We could rule the world someday, somehow but we'll never be as bright as we are now.

We're standing in a light that won't fade,

Tomorrow's coming but this won't change,

Cause some days stay gold forever.

The memory of being here with you,

Is one im gonna take my life through,

Cause some days stay gold forever.

*Almost 2 years later.*

Dear Alexis,

They say that some days stay ‘gold forever’, November 13th 2014, was one of those days for me. I finally go to say those two important words to the man of my dreams, Nathan Sykes. November 13th has a special meaning to us. Not only is it the day, we got married, but the day we first got together.

He had invited me to a house party with all of my band mates. The party was going well until he got even better, when he asked me for a dance. How could I refuse? It was Nathan Sykes, undoubtedly the world’s sexiest man (well in my eyes anyway). I vividly remember the dance. He pulled me out into the middle of the floor and placed his hands on my lower back. He stared deeply into my eyes ad began to sway in time to the music. I didn’t even realise that the song had finished until all of a sudden Nathan, stopped dancing and looked deeply into my eyes. As they say, the rest is history!

We did go through some ups and downs along the way though. We had only returned home from a week - long trip to Venice when we decided to let our hair down and party hard with Tom and Kelsey. Things got a little heated, so we were forced to leave with them, but it counted and Nathan ended up lying in a pool of blood at the end of the stairs to the club. I could see in his face that he was in so much pain. I remember shouting for someone to call an ambulance, as he was falling into a deep sleep. I remember exactly what he said to me, just before he did; ‘Mollie, I Love You. Please don’t leave me. Stay with me’. He was gone. My life was shattered.

I stayed with him in the hospital the whole time he was there. Every day, I would bring him a few cups of tea, just in case he woke up, but when he didn’t, I would write a message, to him, on the bottom of each cup. I was on my own most of the time, so I had no one to speak to, so it seemed like the best idea to write down all my feelings for him instead. On day 29, we were told that they would be turning off Nath’s life support the following day. My heart was well and truly shattered at that point. We had only begun dating three months previous, but I still couldn’t imagine doing anything without him. I imagined our engagement, our wedding day, and having children with him. I didn’t want to experience those things with anyone else. We had always been close even before we got together though. We met at festivals, concerts, shows, and nights out. The girls had tried pairing me up with him, but it never worked. I prayed and prayed until the following day, my dreams came true! My Nath woke up! He was groggy to begin with, but then he was back to his best. It was like all my birthdays had come at once!

The following day, I told him I was pregnant! We were over the moon to begin with, but then it finally hit us what we were letting ourselves in for. We decided to give our baby up for adoption. Now, we realise that that decision wasn’t the right one. The day Rachael was born, was one of the best days of my life! I remember looking into her green shimmering eyes (just like her dad) and patting her brown little mop of hair. She was so cute. So cute in fact, that we couldn’t give her up, and decided to keep her. Our family we very supportive thankfully, which made us feel a lot better about our decision. Rachael did give us a little scare though, when she was three months old. The couple that had agreed to adopt her, kidnapped her one day when she was at the studio with her daddy. Thankfully after a stressful day and a half, we got her back.

Butterflies, Butterflies, We Were Meant To Fly...जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें