Chapter 7 - Home

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‘Sshh Rachy baby. Mummy’s here now. I’ll never leave you again. Did those cruel people hurt you? I’ll protect you from them. You’re self here with me and Daddy. We’ll travel the world soon baby. We’ll get you a passport so you can be safe away from them. We’ll go somewhere where they won’t find us.’ Cher hushed. You’ve probably already guessed that Rachael’s been taken by the people who were supposed to adopt her, but then Nathie pulled out last minute.

Cher gazed deeply into her eyes. ‘Once your old Mummy and Daddy bring your stuff, we’re going to go and get your name changed! How does that sound Sophia Jane Watson? Oh that name is so much nicer isn’t it? What were does stupid people thinking when they called you Rachael Grace Sykes? Sykes isn’t even a proper surname. They probably just made it up because they knew you were special.’ She continued. Everytime she spoke she put on this baby voice, thinking that it would make it easier for ‘Sophia Jane’ to reply.

‘Don’t tell Nathan or Mollie, but if they don’t bring us your stuff by this time tomorrow night, your birth Mummy and her friends daughter will be facing death. Your new Daddy Michael has gone to spy on them, so he can kidnap them tomorrow night. Don’t tell anyone, but we have been keeping an eye on you for the last few months. We even followed you to the studio this morning. Michael was hiding in the bush and everything. That tall ugly curly haired one in The Unwanted even heard him, but he wasn’t caught out. Can I tell you another secret baby girl? We told everyone that we were going to kill you too along with Mollie and Aoife, but that’s a lie, so that they bring us your stuff. You’re in better hands now baby.’ She giggled.


Sorry, I know its short but I wanted it to be a bit of a cliffhanger, but I will make up for it in the next chapter! It will get interesting, I promise! There is plenty of drama to come, and don’t worry, I’m not forgetting about Janessa!

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