Chapter 11 - Chasing The Sun

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Butterflies, butterflies..we were meant to fly,
You and I, you and I..colours in the sky,
We could rule the world someday, somehow but we'll never be as bright as we are now.

We're standing in a light that won't fade,
Tomorrow's coming but this won't change,
Cause some days stay gold forever.
The memory of being here with you,
Is one I'm gonna take my life through,
Cause some days stay gold forever.

‘Molls, I want you to get all dressed up, and pack on overnight bag. I have something planned for us. Jay will look after Rachael, so we have the night to ourselves.’ Nathan explained pulling her in close. ‘Oh. This sounds fun! Where are we going? She asked giddily. ‘That’s a surprise! You’ll find out very very soon babe!’ he laughed before kissing her on the forehead. ‘Now you go get changed, I’m going in the shower’ he told her. ‘Can I join you?’ she asked hopeful. ‘I suppose, it might save water’ he said winking. Mollie gathered some towels before following him into the en suite in Jay’s spare room and locking the door.

‘I’ve never seen you looking so beautiful’ Nathan smirked in awe as Mollie walked down the stairs in a black one shouldered dress, with black ankle boots, her hair loosely in a pony - tail. ‘You look very smart Nathan’ she said linking arms with him. ‘Ready to go?’ he asked. ‘Sure am’ she replied. ‘You know what to do Jay’ he said whispering in his ear as they passed. ‘Look after our baby for us’ grinned Mollie, as they walked out the door to a waiting limo. ‘Oh I will Mollie, don’t you worry’, he shouted following them out the door, before waving them off.

‘After you my lady’ Nathan said sweetly opening the door for her as she got in. The windows were completely black so Mollie had no idea where they were going. ‘Where are we going Nath’ she enquired before sitting on his lap. ‘You’re going to have to wait and see aren’t you?! Anyway we are nearly here, so you don’t have much longer to wait.’ He told her.

After a half an hour journey, they finally came to a halt. Nathan jumped out first and opened the door. ‘I recognise this place’ laughed Mollie. It was the same park where they had their first date and the same place where Mollie told Nathan that she was pregnant with Rachael. ‘I wanted to go all nostalgic on you babe. It’s good to remember the old times!’ he laughed, linking arms with her again. As they walked through the thankfully dry grass, they heard music playing. ‘Gold Forever.’ Then Mollie saw it….

The path was light up with little pink love heart candles. Beyond the patch was a small canopy covering a table with roses and cutlery. Then out of nowhere arrived the waiter. ‘Ready to eat?’ he asked them. ‘Sure’ they replied in unison. They sat down to a starter of vegetable soup. Mollie’s favourite. It was good to try and forget what had happened over the last few days. It was their first night out together properly since Rachael was born. They talked about their past together and their future together, as they knew, especially Nathan. He could felt the red velvet box in his back pocket, jumping out at him telling him to do it there and then. Then there main course came out, another favourite of Mollie’s, chicken stir-fry.

‘Oh Nathan, you’re so thoughtful. You didn’t need to go to this much trouble just to impress me.’ She smiled. ‘No Mollie, I did. You mean everything to me and I wanted to make you the happiest woman in the whole entire world. I wanted to show you that you mean the world to me.’ He said holding her hand. Afterwards, their desserts arrived. You guessed it, another one of Mollie’s favourites, banoffee pie.

Once they were finished they hopped back into the limo, and were off to their second location of the night, their own house. Nathan closed the door behind them and carried Mollie up the stairs to the bathroom bridal style. They were just in time. Jay and Rachael had left only two minutes previous which meant that the water was still hot. Jay had filled the bath for them, before lighting candles all around the bath and throwing some rose petals on the ground around the bath. Just in front of the bath, the rose petals spelt out the words, ‘I Love You Mollie’. Mollie was shocked. ‘Wow Nathan. This is so beautiful. Thank you.’ She said before bursting out into floods of tears. ‘Oh Mollie come here’ he comforted pulling her into his chest. ‘I hope those are tears of happiness otherwise this whole night has gone to waste’ he laughed. ‘Don’t worry they are’ she assured him, looking deeply into his green eyes which were shimmering in the light. ‘I love you Nathan.’ ‘I love you too Mollie. Not let’s get into this bath before it all goes cold!’ he said tickling her.

He gave her a black box, which she opened immediately. Inside was a photo frame containing a collage of different pictures of them, including one of them on their first date, when they climbed Mount Kilimanjaro and of course one of them in the hospital with Rachael, the day she was born. He pulled out some towels that said ‘I Love You Mollie’ on them and in the corner it had the initials NS and MS but Mollie didn’t notice that bit until the following day. He lay them down beside the bath before stripping himself and Mollie down to nothing. Once again he was commando. They splashed each other with water before hopping in.

Just before Mollie got out, Nathan did and said, ‘stay here one minute Mollie,’ as he wrapped a towel around himself. He disappeared before re-emerging 5 minutes later. ‘It’s time to….. GET DRESSED!’ he shouted before they had a competition to see who could put their clothes back on in the quickest time. ‘Now, for surprise no.3!’ he told her. ‘Follow the rose petals!’

She followed the pink path, down the stairs, through the kitchen and out the glass door to the back garden. ‘Oh Nathan, this is too much’ she said looking out at the sight. There was a pink picnic blanket laid out on the grass, with some strawberries, chocolate and a bottle of champagne. ‘I know you only drink seldomly, but I thought that tonight, could be one of those nights’ he laughed. He stood infront of her, crouched down a little, and wrapped her legs tightly around his waist as he gave her a piggy back down the garden. He stopped to let her down, before laying her on her back on the blanket before joining her. For an hour they gazed up into the night sky, eating strawberries and drinking champagne. ‘It’s getting a little chilly’ Nathan said removing his jacket and placing it around Mollie’s shoulders. ‘Better?’ he asked, before she nodded.

‘Okay Mollie, I have one more surprise for you!’ he jumped up and ran behind the tree. He emerged with a  brown puppy. ‘Mollie meet the new addition to the family,  Gigi. He’s a little brother for Alfie (their dog) and Rachael. He’s a toy poodle just like Alfie’ he exclaimed. ‘Oh Nathan. He’s so cute! Thank you’ she said taking him for Nathan. It was then that she noticed something strange. There was a small silver item hanging off his dog collar. A watch. She read the inscription.

‘Dear Mollie, I love you with all my heart forever. Will you do me the honour of becoming my wife? Marry me? Love Nathan xxxx’

Then she looked down to see Nathan, down on one knee, which a sparkly diamond ring. ‘Marry me Mollie King? Become Mrs. Sykes?’ he asked beginning to well up. ‘Yes!! I’ll marry you!’ she shouted crying herself. She helped him up, before waving her left hand in front of his face, so he could place the massive jewel on her finger. Then behind her she heard a loud ‘CONGRATS!’.

She turned around to see all her closest friends there, Frankie, Vanessa, Rochelle, Una, Aoife, Siva, Tom, Max,  Nereesha, Karen, Jess, Sue, Laura, Ellen, Jay and baby Rachael.

We've only just begun
Hypnotised by drums
Until forever comes
You'll find us chasing the sun
They said this day wouldn't come
We refused to run
We've only just begun
You'll find us chasing the sun

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