Chapter 4 - Wanted

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Sorry bit of a pointless chapter. Just trying to fill in the gaps of what I missed between stories. It will get better though! I have 3 big stories planned for Nathie (Mollie and Nathan) and some smaller stories for Janessa (Jay and Vanessa). This chapter is kind of connected to an upcoming chapter!


‘Okay guys we’re off studio bound. Talk to you later. We’ll meet you all here at 7pm.’ shouted Jay walking out the door. ‘I’ll talk to you soon babe. I’ll take good care of my baby don’t worry,’ said Nathan kissing Mollie on the lips before untying Rachael from her chair and carrying her out the door. To say Nathan spoilt Rachael was an understatement. He took her everywhere, backstage at his and Mollie’s gigs, photo shoots, the recording studio and even rehearsals. He bought her everything, the best clothes, expense buddies, bottles, soothers, buggies. She had about twenty buggies, which was kind of pointless. Surprisingly he was very hands on. He changed nappies when he needed to, did every second midnight bottle feed, and got up during the night when she was crying.

The fans were shocked when they found out about Rachael. Mollie had hidden from the public during the pregnancy, not because she was ashamed, just because they had planned on giving her up. She hadn’t much to hide though, she had stayed fit, so she didn’t put on much weight over all. She did regain her figure straight away, much to the criticism of the press, but she didn’t try to lose it, it just fell off.

Everyone was besotted by Rachael. Everyone wanted to hold her, everyone bought her presents and everyone wanted to babysit her. They were stopped in the street when they had her in the buggy, fans wanted her in pictures, and Nathan had even worked on a song with Mollie just for her.

The night they brought Rachael home from the hospital was the day their little family was complete. They were scared to be left alone with her, but delighted at the same time. They still couldn’t believe that she was all theirs. The adoption agency said the family that adopted her weren’t very happy, but the husband understood, the wife not so much. They did pay Rachael a visit when she was a week old, but all the lady did was stand in the corner with a disappointed look on her face. They did understand why though. They had just taken their little girl from them.

The first night, they slept on the floor, because the crib in Rachael’s room because they were afraid that something would happen to her. The room had been painted pink, with white strips. They knew months before that it was going to be a girl, but since they were giving it up, they had bought nothing for her. Mollie’s mum Sue, though, had bought stuff just in case. She knew what Mollie was like, so she definitely wasn’t surprised to find out that they were keeping the baby. When they did arrive home, Sue had painted the spare room with the help of Mollie’s sisters Laura and Ellen and had decorated it with some of Mollie’s old baby stuff.

In the end, they did realise that keeping Rachael was the best thing to do. At the time they weren’t ready for a baby, but they did have help from Sue and Nathan’s mum Karen and sister Jess, did travel down from Glouster to help out. Their band mates were big helps too though. Mollie was last to be picked up in the morning just after Una, and was one of the first to leave at night. Some of their promo was scheduled around Nathan’s so that they didn’t have to leave her with her grandparents most of the time.  Their lives had changed a lot, but it had changed for the better. 


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