Chapter 5 - My Little Princess

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 ‘Did you hear that?’ asked Jay hopping out of the van once they had arrived at the studio. ‘Hear what?’ Max asked. ‘ There was some rustling in the bushes. How did you not hear that? It was very loud.’ Jay replied. ‘You’re hearing things mate’ replied Nathan taking Rachael out of the car seat, which they barely had any room for in the van, even though it was spacious.

They made their way up the stairs and into the studio. Max was up first in the booth, so the lads had taken a seat outside. Rachael was peacefully sleeping in Nathan’s arms so he decided to take a picture and uploaded it to twitter (see right for picture).

@NathanTheWanted: My little princess has just fallen asleep in my arms. Mummy, will be so proud! Isn’t she cute?! J @MollieTheSats. – Nath xx

Seconds later he scrolled down through his mentions to see a reply from Mollie.

@MollieTheSats : ‘@NathanTheWanted. ‘Nice to see someone can sleep. If only we had the luxury of sleeping in our Daddy’s arms when we got tired! J - Mollie xx’

Tom was just like Rachael and decided to fall asleep, sprawled across the floor, which meant nobody could manoeuvre around him. Jay decided to play a little prank on him. He pulled out a CD marker and decided to write ‘Rachael is secretly my daughter’ across his back, before uploading the picture to twitter.

@JayTheWanted : Oh dear @MollieTheSats. The truth has finally come out! @TomTheWanted is Rachael’s real dad and not @NathanTheWanted! When were you going to tell us?! J - Jay xx

'Nathan. Um, can I talk to you about something in private please?’ asked Jay. ‘Sure. Won’t be two minutes guys. Seev. I’m leaving Rachael in her buggy beside you. Look after her for me for two minutes?’ he asked ‘Sure.’ He replied.

‘I think I’ve fallen in love with Vanessa White. We slept together  last night after Siva dared us to in a game of ‘Truth or Dare’. But the thing is Nathan, I’m worried. We didn’t use protection and I don’t think Vanessa is on the pill.  I don’t know what to say to her and once I tell her, she’s going to kill me and she’ll never want to speak to me again. What do I do Nathan?’ he stuttered.

‘Talk to Vanessa as soon as you can. Don’t delay. She has a right to know. After all Jay, she may turn out to be pregnant and she’s the one that will have to deal with it.’ He suggested.

‘How did you feel you found out Mollie was pregnant with Rachael?’ he asked. ‘I was happy to begin with because we love each other and Mollie had just had a miscarriage, but then it dawned on me. We wouldn’t be seeing each other much and the baby didn’t deserve that. We talked about giving her up and we felt that that was the best thing to do, but then when she was born we couldn’t go through with it. She had does shimmering green eyes that no one could turn down, so we knew it was wrong giving her up’ he answered.

Meanwhile outside in the hall, Tom was still sound asleep, and Siva has just realised that he badly needs a wee. ‘Stay there one minute Rach. Uncle Siva is just popping to the loo. I won’t be too long. Be and good girl now and don’t tell Mummy or Daddy that I’m gone okay? he asked before going to the toilet.

‘Thanks Nath.’ Jay smiled. ‘Now let’s go back to the boys and the little lady’ he smiled again. We they came out, Nathan went straight to the buggy. ‘Siva, where’s Rachael?’ Nathan asked when Siva re-emerged from the toilet. ‘In her buggy, where you left her.’ He replied. ‘No she’s not Siva. She’s gone.’

They woke Tom and pulled Max out of the booth while they searched for Rachael. Nathan phoned Mollie to break the new to her. ‘Molls, don’t get upset, but we can’t find Rachael. Siva was looking after her when I was talking to Jay for  a minute, but when I came back she was gone. Siva only went to the toilet for two minutes. He barely took his eyes off her. ‘ he reassured her. He could hear her loud sobs down the phone followed by Frankie’s voice in the background. ‘Don’t worry babe. We’ll find her. One of the boys has probably taken her off for a walk. It’ll be fine. Just come over, so I don’t get worried about you too.’ He said before hanging up. 


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