《 33 》

856 38 19

Hye Soo pov

For once, I woke up before my alarm clock buzzes a cheerful tune, making me feel more tired and less motivated to get up. I couldn't sleep, thinking about the whole situation: where I am, why I'm even here, why all this happened. Thinking about Hoseok (as usual), thinking about what Jungkook said to Jimin and thinking about all the boys and how all I've been doing is lying them.

Even though I was already awake I still felt unmotivated to get out of bed. When I finally did. I wasn't sure what to do next. Everything was too weird of a situation for me to handle. I wasn't sure how far away from school I was, or what to do for breakfast, and I especially wasn't sure of what will wake up the boys. My typical morning consisted of blasting music to keep me awake while frantically do everything last minute because I struggled with myself to get out of bed. Now that I wasn't living alone, I couldn't do those things.

I lugged myself out of my new room, groaning and whining to myself over the situation I was in. I stopped the second a walked a few steps past the room, unsure of whether I was relieved, shocked, or both.

“Oh good,” Jin greeted, wearing a pink apron and smelling like food, “you're awake. I was worried that I would have to wake you up.”

“She’s awake?” I hear in the distance. After the sound of quick footsteps echoed the hall before I saw Namjoon come to Jin’s side.

“Uhhh, you guys are awake?” I questioned, confused. I expected to have another lonely morning, the only difference being not knowing what I could and couldn't eat or do.

“Of course I'm awake! You need breakfast, don't you?” Jin slapped my shoulder, smiling warmly.

“We’re always awake around this time anyways. It's just the younger ones who sleep in. Well, the younger ones and Yoongi.” the corners of Namjoon’s mouth curved upwards to reveal him dimples.

“Oh, well thank you. For everything,” I responded. The older boys made me feel welcomed, giving me a sense of home that I didn't feel for a long time. It felt… cozy.

For the first time for several years, I felt like I was at home.

I sat down at the same table the boys usually sit during dinner. Jin came along and placed a plate in front of me: a plate half filled with rice, accompanied with some kimchi and what looked like the most beautiful fried egg I’ve ever seen. Needless to say, I could barely keep my mouth closed at the wondrous meal.

“Uhhh, you know you can eat, right?” Namjoon pointed at the plate. I snapped back into reality, suddenly remembering where and who I was. I made eye contact with Namjoon, who let out a small laugh and ruffled my hair, the way an older brother would. “Anyways, would you prefer milk or water with you seemingly delicious breakfast?”

“Hmmm, milk. I need to grow,” I answered.

Jin laughed a little. “You sure do,” he responded while taking off his apron. “But it’s okay, you’re height adds to your cuteness,” he pinched my cheeks. Dang, these two act like my brothers more than my own brother does, I thought to myself.

I heard a flushing sound from a nearby room. “Aiya, Seokjin hyung! Where’s the plunger?”

“Ugh, again, Ho Seok? Really?” Jin rolled his eyes and threw his apron at Namjoon’s face. “Here, fold this,” he said, before rushing off to aid Ho Seok.

Namjoon stared at the apron in his hands and sighed. “I should consider just staying in bed all day instead of spending time with this kid.”

“Hey!” I replied.

“wAIT noT YoU!” I chuckled at his response. I might not be as close to the older members than I am to the younger ones, but it’s just as fun to interact and talk to them, even poke fun at them.

“Thanks, hyung. You’re seriously awesome,” I heard from the distance.

A long sigh followed it. “And you’re a pain.”

The two men finally came into sight, where I sat silently, eating. Namjoon was just about to place the folded apron in the drawer.

“NAMJOON, NO! YOU’RE SO BAD AT FOLDING OH MY GOODNESS LET ME HANDLE THIS,” Jin complained, grabbing the apron from Namjoon, who just stared at the wall with an “I give up” expression on his face, his hands still out.

“Morning, Song Mi-ah,” Ho Seok greeted with a small smile. It was enough to show his dimples, the dimples I used to poke and always loved.

“Good morning!” I responded cheerfully.

“Ooh, your breakfast looks delicious!”

“Haha, well it tastes delicious since Jin cooked it.”

“Of course it does. Can I try some?”

“Uhh, sure,” I grabbed my chopsticks and a spoon and stuffed a little bit of everything on it. Then, I handed my spoon to him.

Ho Seok shook his head. He bent down slightly to compensate for the height difference, opened his mouth, and pointed to it, asking for me to feed him. Questions ran through my head like marathon runners in a race, but I pushed them aside so that I wouldn’t show it. Trying my best to keep my hand steady, I put the spoon in his mouth.

“Mmm, hyung! Do you have more for me?” he asked.

“Hoseok!” Jin yelled, “you already ate!”

“But I want to eat morrreee!” Hoseok whined.

“Aiya, stop being such a noisy kid,” Namjoon scolded. Hoseok pouted in response. Seeing the grown men act like children, I couldn't help but let out a small laugh. Okay, fine… it wasn't a small one.

“What are you laughing at, huh?” Namjoon chuckled while rubbing my head. If I wasn't laughing so hard, I would've smacked him. And by that I meant… I did smack him. But I missed. Sooo badly. That caused Namjoon to start tickling me, and I'm extremely ticklish.

I was still laughing, but I was sane enough to hear Jin’s voice call Hoseok pitifully. When I looked up, I didn't see him anywhere.

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