《 15 》

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Hye Soo’s pov

“Huunggggghhhh whyyyyyy why me why me WHY ME!” I thrashed around my bed, kicking my blankets and bedsheets around, then bringing them back up just to roll around in them. While I was trying to force my brain to think about puppies and colors, my brain thought it was fun to remember Hoseok and the weird behavior I saw from him the last few days.

“Jungkook you bastard I’m gonna kill you!!!” I sat up and threw my pillow at the ground.

I grabbed for my phone. The bright light that it gave off forced me to squint. “2:56 am,” the blinding screen read.

“Ugh screw this!” I kickrd the blankets off of me and sat up, blew steam out of my mouth. I couldn't sleep or think straight, so I stormed out of the room, in search of milk.

“Aaaaahh, milk tastes SO nice on nights like tonight. Screw alcohol in the future, I’m sticking to my childhood roots,” I took a sip from a cup of thick and creamy milk, relaxing a bit. I scrolled through social media on my phone, drinking away the milk.

Suddenly, I received a notification that surprised me. I kinda choked for a moment. Immediately after, I opened the Line app for a reality check on what I saw. With my eyes glued to the screen and my mouth open and doomed to catch flies (or fries you never know), my mind read the one-sided conversation:

“Hey, Song Mi!” sent at 12:24 am.
“It’s Kim Taehyung, by the way. I stole Jungkook’s phone and found your line ID. JK I asked him hehehehe” sent at 12:24 am.
“I know it might to too late to say, but good night~~ it was nice meeting you (again)” sent at 12:25 am.

My mind at the moment was like a dizzy, light headed patient, and my brain was like a high school student, searching for the answer for a test question. Ahhh, what do I do? I have to reply, right? Or maybe I can just ignore it? HOW CAN I JUST IGNORE THIS?!?!?! But how do I reply… should I pretend to be a different person? Or or or… maybe I should wait until tomorrow. I mean, It’s 3 am for crying out loud. But I’ll forget. HOW CAN I FORGET? Ugh this is not fair.

I took a deep breath before allowing my thumbs to take control.

I made up so many texts before sending the right one:
“Hey, it’s Hye Soo” stupid head he doesn’t know who Hye Soo is. “Good evening, this is Cheon Song Mi” too formal. “Hi~~” too cutesy. “Hi, V!!” you sound like a fan on edge. “Good night” sounds like you’re playing hard to get.
“Haha good night” sigh it’s the best and most friendly bet I guess.

"Sent at 3:04 am” the little font next to the text bubble read. My phone, which was resting on the table, vibrated, causing me to jump a bit.

“Heh, good night :)” from Taehyung, sent at 3:07 am.

What. Just. Happened. It’s 3 in the morning why the heck is this guy awake. I didn't know at the time, but I was just about to have an actual conversation with a human being:

“It’s 3 in the morning! Why are you still up?!?” sent at 3:08 am.
“Well we have a few more weeks of rest before we leave for Japan as a part of our tour, so it’s not the end of the world, Song Mi. Plus I’m bored and hungry and I can’t sleep hehe” from Taehyung, sent at 3:09 am.
“Oh, I can’t fall asleep either hehe” sent at 3:09 am.
“Well, it’s late so we should at least try. Good night, Song Mi” from Taehyung, sent at 3:10 am.
“Good night, V” sent at 3:10 am.
“Heh, you can call me Taehyung oppa if you like ^^” from Taehyung, sent at 3:11 am.
“Erm, I’ll keep it at just Taehyung for now :)” sent at 3:12 am.
“Well good night Song Mi-ah” from Taehyung, sent at 3:13 am.
[Sticker] from Taehyung, sent at 3:13 am.

Out Of Love [BTS ff]Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя