《 25 》

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Hye Soo’s pov

I was just a contrast to the screaming in the background, I knew that. While they shouted and laughed their heads off, I was here, just as scared as them, trying to play it off cool. But I failed at that.

I didn't plan on breaking down. I didn't plan on hugging Suga so suddenly. And I certainly didn't plan for Jimin and Namjoon to spot me either.

I was going to play it cool, act a bit bored, hang out a bit. I guess I was too frantic to do that. Man, I would be a bad actress.

“Did something happen?” Jimin asked. His eyes were filled with worry and a hint of curiosity. I tried to shake my head, but my body wouldn't listen to me.

“Hold on, I'll get you something warm to drink,” and with that, Namjoon left.

“You know you can trust us, right?” Suga placed his hand gently on the shoulder.

My lips quivered and I couldn't find the words to say. After a long pause, I started to speak, “What if… what if I put you guys in danger?”

The two of them were taken aback. “W-What do you mean?” Suga responded, obviously puzzled.

A crash of plates coming from the kitchen. Is Namjoon okay?

“Yah! Kim Namjoon!!” Jin yelled, running towards him. The other members followed suit, although they all saw me on the way and stopped to say “hi”.

“Relax, I'm okay,” Namjoon reassured.

“You idiot I thought you cut yourself AGAIN!” Jin continuously yelled.

“Ok I know that happened like twice already, but it wasn't that big of a deal.”

“Yeah, what IS a big deal is you breaking all our stuff!”

“I didn't break anything this time I-”

They sound of their bickering grew blurry in my ears as everyone else focused on me.

“Ah, you're here?” “Oh, you're here!” “Hey, what's up?” “Why are you here so late?” I was consumed by these questions, and it was becoming more and more obvious that I was not okay. I wanted to hide it, but I wouldn't let myself hide it. Let's tell the truth, maybe they can help, I tried to reassure myself.


After a few moments, we sat at a table. I finally got some hot water to drink, but now the focus was on me.

“Song Mi,” Suga spoke first, “you can trust us, all of us.”

Jimin spoke next, “If you want us to help, we need to know what happened first.”

“Although that's all true,” Jin took a pause, “it's her decision if she wants to tell us, and we can't force it.”

“I trust you guys,” I said. “But… do you trust me?” Although they were shocked by my question, they all nodded.

“Of course we trust you! You can't build a friendship without trust, you know,” Taehyung grinned.

“Go on,” Ho Seok spoke for the first time I arrived. He smiled slightly. “We'll listen to you.”

I looked at Jungkook. He seemed the most curious and worried out of all of them. Even so, he nodded with a reassuring look on his face.

“There was some strange person following me. He didn't seem odd or out of place or anything, but he was for sure following me. He walked when I walked, ran when I ran. Had I not faked a call and started running here, I probably wouldn't have lost him, if I even DID lose him. But I knew he wasn't alone, I saw two other men with him after I started running.  I-I know I shouldn't have come here in case I put you guys in danger but, I was just.. I just didn't want to be alone,” I paused to control my breathing, and let it sink in everyone.

Unknowingly, I glanced at Ho Seok. He seemed distressed. His eyebrows were furrowed, and he was chewing on the inside of his lip. I couldn't tell what he was thinking, I never can.

“Why were you outside?” the question came from Namjoon.

“I went to eat food at the convenience store, and it happened on my way back.”

“Wait, you WALKED to the convenience store? You didn't take a cab?” Jungkook raised his voice. He suddenly grew softer. “Was it… to save money?” I nodded in response. Yes, I'm frugal because I'm broke.

“Considering what just happened, take a cab from now on. Or just try not to go outside when it's dark,” Namjoon suggested.

“There's a possibility that they know where you live… I'm not sure what their intent is, but seeing as it's a group and not an individual after you… did you borrow money from a loan shark?” Jin asked.

“Uhh, I'm broke but not desperate."


I scoffed. “No chance, they live too far.”

“Maybe you should stay with us for a bit, just in case,” Jimin said. “If they know where you live, it won't do you any good to stay there.”

“Let's do that,” Ho Seok immediately approved. We all turned to face him. “You'll be safer here than alone.”

“As much as I appreciate it, I'd rather not room with seven guys. Plus, I can handle a few guys, I took taekwondo when I was younger. Worse comes to worse, I'll stay at a friend's house. I'm at school most of the time, too.”

“I still think you should stay here,” Ho Seok said, a slightly serious tone taking over his voice. “If they follow you all the way here, we'll be able to find out their purpose in following you.”

“Ehh, even though I agree, she must be uncomfortable living with the seven guys. I don't blame her,” Jimin said.

“I agree with Ho Seok,” Jungkook announced. “You can stay at your friend's house all you want, that doesn't mean they'll stop once you think it's safe. We should solve the problem so you don't have to worry anymore.”

“We can't force you, Song Mi-ah. It's your choice. I know it sounds crazy, especially having just met us, but I don't see a better option. Unless you want us to send security guards to your place,” Namjoon said.

“I think…..

I’'ll stay.”



You didn't think I'd only leave you with ONE chapter after being gone so long... right? ;)

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