《 20 》

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Hye Soo pov

Ah, so that's why Ho Seok hyung hates you…” Jungkook messaged me.

Reeeeal subtle there -_-” I replied.

Sorry, it's just… I don't get it. You didn't do anything wrong!”

EXACTLY!! I didn't do anything wrong that day. So I'm not sure anymore… should I just stop caring?

Uhhh life's not that simple… anyways he would never blame someone else like that, especially for such a stupid reason… that's what makes me confused

What do you mean?

“I mean, he's a very selfless person. So, if anything, he'd pour the blame onto himself. I'm sure there's another reason why he's acting like a towards you.”

Psh, doubt it. I'm tired Jungkook… I have school tomorrow so I'm gonna sleep now”

K dream of me ^^”


:( ”

and don't even THINK about coming to my school tomorrow!!”

I put my phone next to my bed and laid there, awake, in my bed. The darkness did nothing to clear my mind, and I just couldn't help but roll around with endless thoughts playing in my mind like a movie. I wasn't sure if I got any sleep that night…


Get out of my way, get out of my WAY!” Kang Ja and her “friends” forcefully pushed me away from Hye Jung, making me crash into the wall.

“Kang Ja! What's your problem?” No Eul scolded.

“Um, someone from BTS is here. And it's a problem, yet aldo my wish come true.” She ran off once she finished her sentence.

“What?! What do you mean BTS is here?!?!!!” Hye Jung started fangirl hyperventilating again, smacking No Eul with no remorse.

I winced, but the pain was now replaced by anger. Don't tell me… “Gotta go, bye!” I shouted and zoomed off.

“This jerk, I told him to not come and what does he do? He COMES, ugh! Now there's a ruckus and everyone knows he's there what even is this guy?” I muttered to myself. I angrily sped past Hye Jung and No Eul, half guilty since they were clueless, and half infuriated because of this guy.

A crowd of screaming students wearing the same uniform as me swamped around a black van at the entrance of the school. I tiptoed and tried my best not to unleash any taekwondo moves on anyone who pushed past me. Furiously, I squinted and searched to find Jungkook.

Except I couldn't find him.

Because he wasn't there.

Instead, I saw Taehyung and Jimin, standing next to the car while smiling and waving sweetly to the jungle of girls surrounding them. Quite a lot of boys too, but most of them were the boyfriends of the girls, trying to weasel out of the crowd.

The anger inside me melted and was replaced with confusion. Somehow, as if a miracle had occurred, Taehyung spotted me through the sea of people. How could I tell? His eyes went wide and his smile turned into a derp face. We made eye contact for a split second, so I panicked and just started running home.

Traffic light one. Green light, able to cross; go.

Traffic light two. Red light, stop. Green, able to cross; go.

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