《 10 》

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A series of wheezing and squealing came from Hye Jung, who was standing next to me, breathing into an invisible paper bag. Meanwhile, I was having a near panic attack.

Now don't get me wrong, I really wanted to meet BTS. I mean, why wouldn't I; the members are the ones who are well liked by my brother and spend the most time with him. But I wasn't sure if I had the ability to pretend to be a nobody to Ho Seok anymore. Or maybe I didn't have to since I probably already was a nobody. So, when the time came for me to show my VIP tickets to the security guard and enter the room in which I am to meet BTS, I panicked. Hye Jung didn't realize and was too busy freaking out to notice that I was on the verge of tears.

Hesitantly, my finger circled the shape of the knob before my hand gripped it and turned it, ridding the boundary between us and the members. "AAAAHHHHHH HELLO! AAAAHHHHHH I'M SO HAPPY I THINK I CAN DIE TONIGHT WITHOUT REGRETTING LIFE AHHHH!!!!!" I screamed the second I got into the room. Hye Jung barely managed to wheeze the words out, but it was somewhat audible.

I must be good at acting, since the boys bought it and started cracking up once I stopped shouting; especially Jungkook, that jerk. All laughs were genuine except for one. Ho Seok. Although it looked 100% real, I knew it was fake. I knew he knew that I knew that it was fake. Unless the first 10 years of my life with him were a lie, I knew how to determine what was genuine from him and what wasn't.

No matter how hard I tried, I couldn't force myself to smile like usual. Shoot. He knows. What am I supposed to do know...

"HO SEOK OPPAAAAAA~~!" I whipped my head around a little too quickly, causing a numbing pain to spread around my neck. Again. From the corner of my eye, I saw Hye Jung run and hug Ho Seok, her ultimate bias. The guys continued laughing as he nervously laughed, not knowing what to do. At that time, I closed my eyes and turned away.

"Ho Seok oppa." I should've been the one to say those words. I should've been the one to hug him. I shouldn't be afraid like this. Dammit, Jung Hye Soo how have you been living your life?

"Are you okay?" I turned to see V staring at me with eyes of worry. Everyone else was still the doing the same. But I saw Jungkook meet my eyes at one point. He was laughing, yet he looked confused and worried when he saw me. Just like this. My life is just like this. It was ALWAYS just like this.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Just turned my head too quickly, heh," I flashed a reassuring smile to V, who showed his rectangular smile. "Oh, hehe, that's better than what I was thinking. Nice to see you again," he replied with a small wink. And I guess it'll always be like this.


"Hye Jung and Song Mi, am I correct?" Rap Monster asked. We answered with a smile.

"Well, we only have 10 minutes left so why don't we play a game?" he asked. We all sat in cushioned chairs to form a circle. Hye Jung squealed and loudly whispered, "I'M GONNA PLAY A GAME WITH BTS," over and over again.

The smile on my face from Hye Jung's silliness faded when Jin asked me, "What about you? You wanna play?" The grin he wore made it nearly impossible to say no, forcing me to nod silently and smile to myself.

"Ok time for rulllleeess!" Jimin announced.

"Ah hyuuuunggg~~ who cares about rules? Let's just get to the game," V whined.

"We only have 10 minutes, left anyways," Jungkook switched to his sad puppy eyes and frowned at Jimin. IT'S SUPER EFFECTIVE [A/N: the pokemon nerd in me]!!

"Whatever," Jimin slouched in his chair. "Yoongi hyung, wanna explain how to play?" Suga's eyes grew big. You could tell he didn't plan on speaking the entire time. His cheeks were a faint red due to shyness.

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