Christmas Special

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For the sake of this, just forget about the heat between the 2 siblings and experience how it'd be like if they all spent a somewhat peaceful Christmas together.

Happy Holidays~~


Hye Soo's pov

"MERRY CHRISTMAS!" a stabbing pain jabbed at my side.

"Ya lazy bum," someone added. I looked up and saw 7 immature "men" piled on top of my side.

"G-GET OFF OF MEEEEE," I wheezed, deprived of air. After a few minutes of silent screams and refusals, not to mention that fake black out that I successfully carried out, they finally let me breathe.

"Run before she kills us?" Namjoon [A/N: BWAHAHAHHA I ACCIDENTALLY TYPED NAMJOOM AND IT AUTOCORRECTED TO NAM JOOMLA IDK WHY THAT'S SO FUNNY TO ME ok sorry] panicked as I sat up, catching my breath.

Jin replied, "2nd that-" but was cut off.

"DO WE EVEN HAVE TIME TO AGREE LET'S JUST GO I DON'T WANNA DIE," Jungkook shouted and ran. The rest of the boys ran after him, except for one.

"Merry Christmas," he tickled my chin. "Get up, Jin's cooking breakfast. Plus we have hot chocolate."

"Mm. Merry Christmas, Ho Seok oppa," I smiled and hugged him.


"Hye Soo-yah!" I turned to find Jungkook running (correction FLAILING) towards me. "Close your eyes and follow me."

"That sounds oddly suspicious."

"Too bad just do it."

"What? Why?"

"Pleeeeaaaasseee? It's Christmas."

"Yeah, and I don't want to die on Christmas."

"Hye Sooooooooo-yah."

"Fine," the moment my eyes closed, a force pulled me gently.

"Ok, open your eyes." I obeyed and only saw Jungkook standing in front of me.

"Ok, now what?"

"Look up," his index finger extended and pointed towards the ceiling. My head lifted to see a little mistletoe hanging above us. My face turned sour and I just stared at it, annoyed.

Something pulled my hand towards Jungkook, and I finally took my eyes off the mistletoe. Suddenly, a figure whipped me around. I turned my head and saw Jungkook kissing Taehyung, who was pretty much back hugging me, on the cheek by accident.

"You can't do that she's mine!" Taehyung whined and squeezed me harder. Can't. BREATHE.

"Ayy hyung, it was just a joke," Jungkook pouted.

Tae stuck his tongue out at him, "Still, what if you kissed her by accident?"

"KISS?!?!?!" Ho Seok pounded down the stairs and pulled me away from both of them. "DID I HEAR THAT CORRECTLY?"

"Ah hyung..." Jungkook smiled awkwardly. The three kept bickering as I just stood there.

I sighed. "Boys," I said to myself, and walked away with SASS and a hairflip.

Without much thought, I plopped onto the couch. Why is this couch so hard?

"Am I a good seat for you?" My eyes shifted downwards and BAM. Yoongi just laid there, his back facing up, scrolling on his phone casually. I had accidentally sat on his spine... oops.

I sprawled off the "couch". "Ah, erm, um..."

"Well you can start with Merry Christmas," Yoongi sat up.

"Ah, Merry Christmas," I sat down next to him and he ruffled my hair.

"Heh, someone's already drained," he pulled my cheek and I groaned in pain.

"Ow ow ow ow ow~~ my cheeks aren't stretchy like yours," I grabbed his cheek and pulled it, making him let go.

"Yeesh, are you sure you're human?" He rubbed his cheek.

"No, I'm a unicorn."



"YAH STOP BREAKING THE MICROWAVE!" a shout was heard from the kitchen. Yoongi and I glanced at each other. "Namjoon," we both agreed and nodded our heads.

Before Jin throws a tantrum, I rushed to the kitchen. Jin was holding a spatula while wearing his pink apron, and Namjoon's hands were gray. "Uhhh... Namjoon oppa? You might wanna leave..."

"K BYE!" and with that, Namjoon rushed out.

"YAH!" I stopped Jin from running out.

"Woahhhhh there, we still need lunch get cooking," I turned him around and pushed him lightly over to the stove.

"Hye Soo-yah, can you lend me a hand?"

"Um, sure?"

"Get me some soy sauce, that cabinet over there," he pointed to a tall cabinet to his right.

"Umm... ok."

"Are you sure you can handle it? You can just take over this for 30 seconds."

"Pshhh, have I never been able to handle something? I got this." I don't got this.

After my first attempt, I nearly crashed and died, if it weren't for Jin, who half caught me. "Sorry, Hye Soo, I should've just done it by myself."

"NONONONONOOOO it's fine I'm just a bit clumsy..."

"Well you go rest, I'll take care of the rest."

"You sure?"



"Hye Soo-yah! Can you help Chim set the table?" Jin cried from the kitchen.

"Yah hyungggg!" Jimin whined, but I could barely hear it.

"Coming~~" I shouted from upstairs and ran down.

"Heh, I'm actually all done, but it's time to eat so you can sit," Jimin smiled.

"Oh, I can help Jin bring some of the food, save me a spot," I ran into the kitchen to find exactly what I thought I'd find, Jin trying to figure out a way to juggle all the plates.

"Nope, gimme, I got some," I stole a few dishes and walked back to the table, which somehow in the course of 30 seconds, was nearly full. Jin brought the rest of the food to the table and sat down. I sat next to Jimin, who kept his promise to save me a seat. I smiled, and Jimin blushed a bit, but I'm not sure why.

And so that was the start to Bangtan's Christmas with Hye Soo. Hope you enjoyed! Happy holidays~~

Out Of Love [BTS ff]जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें