《 12 》

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The door to the apartment opened, and I was welcomed by the smell of food. Food... smell... so good... want to... eat... must be... Jin... must taste... yummy....

"Oh?! It's a girl with Jungkook!" Suga tilted his head while holding a set of chopsticks and stared at the two of us. My mouth was watering due to the scent of delicious food, and I was still in the process of taking off my sneakers.

"What? Girl??" one by one more and more members piled up around us, even Jin, who was, as I had guessed, in the middle of cooking. He was holding a spatula and wearing a frilly pink apron.

"Wait, you look familiar... you came to the fan meet yesterday, didn't you," V stared at me intensely, trying to remember where he saw me from.

"Yes... I attended the fan meet yesterday thanks to Jungkook... it was so nice to meet you all," I bowed politely. By accident, I met J-Hope's gaze. I looked away quickly and went back to smiling.

"Wait can you possibly be... my future girlfriend?" my back straightened up from the daring comment I accidentally spoke during the fanmeet. And this kid wouldn't stop teasing me about it.

"What?!" I heard Jungkook let out next to me. Everyone turned to look at V. J-Hope seemed to have shot lasers at him with his eyes. I still don't get him...

"A-ah, it's just a silly comment I said to him at the fanmeet, heh," I laughed it off, but I was wheezing and dying inside. How could he remember that??

"But why are you with Jungkook, and why is Kookie not sweating right now?" Jimin asked. That made us sweat. Kookie never talks to girls without getting all shy and embarrassed. It was what Kang Ja [A/N: if y'all don't remember her, she was a bully at the beginning of the book :)] always seemed to squeal about when it came to Jungkook. Ugh I knew something was gonna go --

"BWAHAHAHHAAHA you're kidding me right? This one? A girl? More like a short guy with long hair AHAHAHAHAHA!!" Jungkook was practically dying of laughter. And there I was, as salty as ever. My tongue slid against the roof of my mouth, making this weird clicky noise, as I prepared to kill as person.

As Jungkook was busy rolling on the floor, I rolled my sleeves up in obvious anger. "Permission to torture?" I asked.

"No- actually... yeah sure go ahead," Jin replied. Eldest's orders must be delivered right?

I swung my foot and it hit Jungkook's side, hard enough to make him stop laughing. Then, to make it look like I wasn't an abusive friend, I sat on him and started pulling his hair.

"You dare call me that, huh? A SHORT guy with long hair? This wouldn't be happening if you just took out that one word you jerk what's with you and torturing me lately, huh? It's been years and you're still gonna be like this? You need to learn some manners 'golden maknae'. WELL NOT SO GOLDEN NOW HUH?"

The other members just kinda stood there and watched, some laughing, others not knowing whether or not they should help the kid. I heard someone say, "I'm not sure what's more shocking, that she's actually ok with being called a guy or that she's only killing him over being called short..." I was pretty sure it was Rap Monster.

Eventually, Jin went back to cooking, Suga and J-Hope back to setting the table. Rap Monster came to get me to stop, and V and Jimin stood there recording the whole thing. I stopped at one point, and Jungkook kept laughing even after.

I huffed, pulling at my sleeves and fixing my hair as I sat next to a still laughing Jungkook. This jerk I swear there's something off in his brai-

"Sorrryyyyyy~~" a warm feeling spread to cheeks when a pair of arms wrapped around my waist. I didn't even have to turn my head, not even the slightest bit, to know it was Jungkook. Everyone around us stared in shock, like it was the first time they had seen the maknae hugging a girl besides his mom. Which, it probably was.

"A-ah, you better be," I half smacked him in the head to send him backwards, forcing him to let go of me. After getting up and dusting myself up, I helped the troublemaker up and continuously smacked him in the head. So much for a silent welcome, huh...



Hey guiseeeee!!
A lil update for u guys... it's more of a short, uh kinda really weird, filler chapter. Yeah I have no idea what's going on either.

So I know a bunch of u guys were a bit confused and had some questions so I'll answer a few common ones now:

•  why does Hye Soo have a bad relationship with her parents?
well, uh, you guys don't know this yet cuz i didnt mention it so I'M NOT GONNA SPOIL

why does Hye Soo have 2 names?
her real name (Jung Hye Soo) is her given name, and her other name (Cheon Song Mi) is a name she made up whenever she has to encounter Ho Seok (ahem SPOILER ALERT but she uses this name in other situations besides the fan meet). That way, she can keep her "true identity" a secret.

what did Hye Soo do so that her family hates her?
again, u guys don't know yet so NO SPOILERS!

(not a q but) HO SEOK U IDIOT!
I agree but he's an idiot for a reason MWAHHAHAHAHAHA :)))

If you have anymore questions, just comment and I'll answer them whenever I can :)

Out Of Love [BTS ff]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora