Forgive Me Ch. 21

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Chapter Twenty One


When I saw Jackie's smiling face, I couldn't help but smile. My sister was out of the hospital? Was it for good this time? I wished it was, because I loved when she was home. I was glad she found me too. I knew she would, but I was glad it was her.

"Come on out," She whispered, "And we'll talk."

Slowly I slid out from the slide, and followed her to a park bench. I saw Jason's car, and hid in Jackie's side. I didn't want to talk with Jason right now. "Don't worry," Jackie muttered, "It's James, and I made sure he stayed in the car."

"Thanks," I smiled.

We sat on the bench, and Jackie put her arm around me. I hide close in her side, and cried. I didn't know why I was crying, but I was. Jackie didn't care though. She just held me tightly, and let me cry. "It's alright," She cooed, "Let it all out."

"I'm sorry," I apologized, "I ran away because I didn't want to be treated like a baby, but yet I act like one."

"I don't mind," She told me.

"Why am I so stupid?" I asked.

"You had good reasons," She insisted, "You didn't want to be treated like a baby anymore. Jull, that's understandable."

"Well then why was everyone so shocked I was upset about it?" I whispered.

"Because they probably thought you wouldn't mind it," She shrugged.

"Well I do," I snapped.

"They're just trying to give you what they didn't have," I told her.

"What're you talking about?" I muttered.

"Well, for example," She explained, "One day James came home with this big poster board. He had this major project, and he completed it all by himself. It was colorful and creative- I'm not just saying that."

"So?" I pressed.

"So, no one cared," Jackie continued, "No one cared that he got a hundred. Dad had left by then, and he was only really the one who cared."

"I don't get the point of this story," I sighed.

"The point is," She told me, "That whenever you came home with a hundred or a big project everyone made a big fuss over you. No one really ever made a big fuss over the things I did. Though you didn't have the ideal lifestyle Julie, you were still given more than we ever got."

"What about when Jason was little?" I asked, "When Dad was still around?"

"Dad and Mom were always fighting," She answered, "Sometimes he had time for him, and other times he didn't."

"Why me though?" I questioned, "Why didn't everyone just ignore me like everyone else ignored each other?"

"Well sometimes we tried," Jackie sighed, "But Julie, you were so cute. There was no way we could resist your cuteness."

I gave a small smile, and wiped away my tears. "You're still cute," Jackie giggled, kissing my cheek.

"Babying," I warned as she pulled away.

"Julie, please come home," Jackie begged, "You should have seen Jordan when he came to pick me up. He looked like a mess."

"Jordan?" I asked, "Tough Jordan?"

Jordan was the toughest one of my brothers. He thought he was the king of our family sometimes. He would order people around, and act all superior. He also was involved in the tough sports- ice hockey and football.

"Yes Jordan," She laughed.

"I don't know," I said.

"I'll be there now," She insisted.

I sighed loudly, and looked up at my big sister. "Julie," She whispered, "I'll always be on your side. Just because I don't think you should go home doesn't mean I'm not on your side. You're my little sister, and my best friend, I'm always on your side."

I couldn't help, but smile at her. "Alright," I sighed, "I'll come home."

"Good," Jackie smiled, standing up, "Then let's get home, because today is a school day."

"Someone's going to have to write me a note," I warned.

Jackie smiled, and winked. "I have your back baby," She smiled. She stood up off of the bench, and held out her hand to me. I gave her a small smile back, and allowed her to pull me up. She put her arm around my shoulders, and held me tightly.

"Jack," I whispered.

"Yes?" She asked.

"I'm glad you found me," I told her.

Jackie smiled brightly. "I'm glad I did too," She answered.

It wasn't the best hiding spot, I admit to that, but no one really would have guessed it. I knew Jackie might figure it out, but I thought she was going to be in the hospital.

Jackie kissed my head of hair, and we walked closer to the car. Jackie got in the front seat, and I climbed into the back. "Hi James," I murmured.

James looked at Jackie, and she gave a slight nod. "Are you alright?" He asked sternly, turning around in his seat to look at me.

"Yes," I answered.

"That's all that matters," He nodded, turning back around. I gave a small smile, because I liked that he wasn't pressing me for all the answers.

"Now Julie," Jackie warned, "When you get home, expect some babying. Alright? They've been worried, and need to make sure their baby sister is alright."

"Okay," I sighed, "Will I get in trouble?"

Jackie sighed too. "I'm not sure," She told me.

"I hope I do," I grumbled buckling, and then crossing my arms over my chest. Jackie nodded, because she now understood.

James started the car, and then started driving home. I looked out the window, and took in a shaky breath. James looked back quickly- thinking I was crying- but I heard Jackie tell him to keep his eyes on the road. Jackie looked back, and gave me a small smile. "Thanks," I mouthed.

Jackie nodded, and winked. She turned back around, and we continued to drive. The drive wasn't that long, but it felt like forever. I kept reminding myself that I had to be strong. There was going to be some babying, and I was going to have to deal with it.

We pulled into the driveway, and the door was opened at the sound of the car. I saw my brothers waiting there for me. They all looked worried.

I took in a deep breath, and got out of the car.


wow, julie= baby! hahhahaah

hope u dnt mind!

i guess thts jst her charcter nd mybe some day she'll grow up!

hhahah coment/vote/fan?

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